2022 年 6 月 | Linda Armstrong | ✓ 醫療審查:Gary Falcetano, PA-C, AE-C;Fabio Iachetti, MD;Rebecca Rosenberger, MMSc, PA-C
Gary Falctano 是一名持照醫師助理,在緊急和災難醫學、基層醫療照護、過敏和免疫學有 25 年以上的豐富經驗,在 Thermo Fisher Scientific 擔任過敏免疫診斷美國臨床事務經理。Fabio Iachetti 是一名持照醫師,在過敏、CV、疼痛、GI、風濕病學、泌尿學、糖尿病學等多種疾病領域擁有 15 年以上的豐富經驗。在 Thermo Fisher Scientific 擔任全球醫療事務過敏免疫診斷資深醫療經理。Rebecca Rosenberger 除了在過敏和免疫學作為一名執業醫師助理擁有 20 年以上的經驗外,也在 Thermo Fisher Scientific 擔任免疫診斷臨床事務 & 教育副主任。
大約百分之 2 至 5 的成人,也就是全球 2 億 2,000 萬至 5 億 2,000 萬人可能有食物過敏。1,2 這表示一年 365 天,每天都有許多家庭成功管理過敏。(您和您的家人也可以!)
超過 170 種食物可能引發過敏反應。4 對某些人來說,即使是微量也可能很危險。例如,烹飪貝類及甲殼類時產生的蒸氣,或單純碰觸特定的食物,都可能在致敏性高的人身上引起反應。5 話雖如此,美國約百分之 90 的食物過敏反應通常是由以下八類食物引起的。3 (在美國以外的某些國家中,還有兩種常見的誘發因子是罪魁禍首。3) 如果您的家人或佳節賓客會 (或似乎會) 對這些過敏原產生致敏反應,您可透過下列連結取得豐富的資訊 (包括潛在「隱性」來源的深入資訊)。
由於沒有治療食物過敏的方法,且避免反應的唯一方法是完全避免過敏原,因此對您的佳節聚會而言,預防措施至關重要。6 以下是一些專家推薦的策略,以及一些合乎邏輯的建議,可協助您、您的家人和您的賓客安全且開心地享受佳節。
Before you can accommodate individual food allergies, it helps to identify them. If someone in your immediate family has a suspected food allergy, consult with your healthcare provider to determine if allergy testing is warranted.
When inviting people to your holiday gatherings, inquire about potential food allergies and what adaptations would be helpful. Try to include options void of the most allergenic foods and a few allergy friendly snacks.
Educate yourself about food allergies in general and about any specific allergens unique to your guests, and then pass on critical information to those in attendance. For example, you might explain that trace amounts of allergens can cause a reaction, identify potential hidden sources of a specific allergen, provide instructions for dealing with food-related emergencies, and warn about cross-contact via utensils, surfaces, and more.5,7,8
If you’ve identified specific food allergies among your guests, consider a menu that includes some options void of these allergens and take the necessary precautions to prevent cross-contact. (See below.) But if specific allergens haven’t been identified, you can eliminate the most common culprits from at least a few of your offerings and/or ask guests not to bring anything containing these items. Foods most associated with reactions in children are milk, eggs, and peanuts. In adults, the offenders are fruits and vegetables (via a condition called Oral Allergy Syndrome), peanuts/tree nuts, and fish/shellfish.3
To prevent potentially allergenic foods from contacting (and perhaps contaminating) “safe” foods, ensure such items are never in close proximity to each other. After preparing potentially allergenic food, wash related cutting boards, surfaces, utensils, and cooking pans/grills with soap and water. Consider using separate dishes and utensils for safe foods versus those that may cause a reaction.8
When preparing food for your event, read food labels carefully to check for all forms of allergens, and label each dish with a list of its ingredients so guests can easily identify those that may cause symptoms.7 If you’re serving packaged food, keep the labels so food-allergic guests can inspect the items themselves.
Keep in mind, alcoholic beverages may contain allergenic food items. For example, some types of beer can include wheat or pine nuts, and dairy items might be found in cream liqueurs and cocktails such as piña coladas.
If you’ve planned an allergen-conscious menu but your guests still want to bring something to contribute, ask them to provide plates, cups, napkins, or decor instead of food.7
Establish a plan of action for severe reactions and post it in a central locale for the gathering.
To create the ultimate allergy-friendly holiday gathering, remove food from the event altogether. Rather, focus the festivities on an experience such as sledding, bowling, holiday movies, etc.7