Product References
Activation of the Ca2+ sensing receptor and the PKC/WNK4 downstream signaling cascade induces incorporation of ZO-2 to tight junctions and its separation from 14-3-3.
Molecular biology of the cell
Amaya E,Alarcón L,Martín-Tapia D,Cuellar-Pérez F,Cano-Cortina M,Ortega-Olvera JM,Cisneros B,Rodriguez AJ,Gamba G,González-Mariscal L
Published figure using 14-3-3 sigma monoclonal antibody (Product # MA5-11663) in Western Blot
Thu Aug 15 00:00:00 EDT 2019
Hypoxia induces an undifferentiated phenotype of oral keratinocytes in vitro.
Cells, tissues, organs
Kato H,Izumi K,Uenoyama A,Shiomi A,Kuo S,Feinberg SE
Published figure using 14-3-3 sigma monoclonal antibody (Product # MA5-11663) in Western Blot
Mon Oct 05 00:00:00 EDT 2015
Identification of novel target proteins in sebaceous gland carcinoma.
Head & neck
Erovic BM,Al Habeeb A,Harris L,Goldstein DP,Kim D,Ghazarian D,Irish JC
MA5-11663 was used in immunohistochemistry to identify novel therapeutic target proteins in sebaceous gland carcinoma
Wed May 01 00:00:00 EDT 2013
14-3-3 sigma is a useful immunohistochemical marker for diagnosing ovarian granulosa cell tumors and steroid cell tumors.
International journal of gynecological pathology : official journal of the International Society of Gynecological Pathologists
Chen L,Yang B
MA5-11663 was used in immunohistochemistry to study the value of immunohistochemical expression of 14-3-3-sigma as a diagnostic marker of ovarian granulosa cell tumors and steroid cell tumors
Fri Mar 01 00:00:00 EST 2013
Prognostic and predictive markers in medullary thyroid carcinoma.
Endocrine pathology
Erovic BM,Kim D,Cassol C,Goldstein DP,Irish JC,Asa SL,Mete O
MA5-11663 was used in immunohistochemistry to identify markers with progniostic and predictive value in patients with medullary thyroid cancer
Sat Dec 01 00:00:00 EST 2012
Biomarkers of parathyroid carcinoma.
Endocrine pathology
Erovic BM,Harris L,Jamali M,Goldstein DP,Irish JC,Asa SL,Mete O
MA5-11663 was used in immunohistochemistry to establish a biomarker panel suitable for the identification of parathyroid carcinomas
Sat Dec 01 00:00:00 EST 2012
Novel snail1 target proteins in human colon cancer identified by proteomic analysis.
PloS one
Larriba MJ,Casado-Vela J,Pendás-Franco N,Peña R,García de Herreros A,Berciano MT,Lafarga M,Casal JI,Muñoz A
MA5-11663 was used in western blot to perform a proteomic study of Snail1-regulated events during epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition
Tue Apr 20 00:00:00 EDT 2010
Proteomic profiling of differential display analysis for human oral squamous cell carcinoma: 14-3-3 σ Protein is upregulated in human oral squamous cell carcinoma and dependent on the differentiation level.
Proteomics. Clinical applications
Hayashi E,Kuramitsu Y,Fujimoto M,Zhang X,Tanaka T,Uchida K,Fukuda T,Furumoto H,Ueyama Y,Nakamura K
MA5-11663 was used in immunohistochemistry to detect the expression of 14-3-3 sigma in oral squamous cell carcinoma
Sun Nov 01 00:00:00 EDT 2009
Immunostaining as an adjunct to cytology for diagnosis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma.
Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association
Agarwal B,Ludwig OJ,Collins BT,Cortese C
MA5-11663 was used in immunohistochemistry to study whether immunostaining as an adjunct to cytology improves the diagnosis of pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Mon Dec 01 00:00:00 EST 2008
Loss of 14-3-3 sigma protein expression and presence of human papillomavirus type 16 E6 in oral squamous cell carcinoma.
Archives of otolaryngology--head & neck surgery
Bhawal UK,Sugiyama M,Nomura Y,Kuniyasu H,Tsukinoki K
MA5-11663 was used in immunohistochemistry to study the role of 14-3-3 sigma protein and human papillomavirus type 16 E6 in oral squamous cell carcinoma
Wed Oct 01 00:00:00 EDT 2008
The clinicopathological and prognostic impact of 14-3-3 sigma expression on vulvar squamous cell carcinomas.
BMC cancer
Wang Z,Tropè CG,Suo Z,Trøen G,Yang G,Nesland JM,Holm R
MA5-11663 was used in immunohistochemistry to study the pathological and prognostic significance of 14-3-3 sigma expression fin vulvar squamous cell carcinomas
Fri Oct 24 00:00:00 EDT 2008
Promoter methylation of PARG1, a novel candidate tumor suppressor gene in mantle-cell lymphomas.
Ripperger T,von Neuhoff N,Kamphues K,Emura M,Lehmann U,Tauscher M,Schraders M,Groenen P,Skawran B,Rudolph C,Callet-Bauchu E,van Krieken JH,Schlegelberger B,Steinemann D
MA5-11663 was used in western blot to characterize a novel tumor suppressor gene and its role in mantle-cell lymphomas
Sun Apr 01 00:00:00 EDT 2007
Growth inhibitory effect of the human NIT2 gene and its allelic imbalance in cancers.
The FEBS journal
Lin CH,Chung MY,Chen WB,Chien CH
MA5-11663 was used in western blot to study the role of NIT2 gene in cell proliferation and tumorigenesis
Fri Jun 01 00:00:00 EDT 2007
The p53 pathway and outcome among patients with T1G3 bladder tumors.
Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research
López-Knowles E,Hernández S,Kogevinas M,Lloreta J,Amorós A,Tardón A,Carrato A,Kishore S,Serra C,Malats N,Real FX
MA5-11663 was used in immunohistochemistry to study the prognostic value of p53 pathway expression in patients with T1G3 bladder tumors
Sun Oct 15 00:00:00 EDT 2006
Identification of 14-3-3sigma as a contributor to drug resistance in human breast cancer cells using functional proteomic analysis.
Cancer research
Liu Y,Liu H,Han B,Zhang JT
MA5-11663 was used in western blot to study the role of 14-3-3sigma in drug resistance in human breast cancer cells
Wed Mar 15 00:00:00 EST 2006
Expression and prognostic significance of 14-3-3sigma and ERM family protein expression in periampullary neoplasms.
Cancer biology & therapy
Hustinx SR,Fukushima N,Zahurak ML,Riall TS,Maitra A,Brosens L,Cameron JL,Yeo CJ,Offerhaus GJ,Hruban RH,Goggins M
MA5-11663 was used in immunohistochemistry to study the expression and prognostic significance of 14-3-3sigma and ERM family proteins in periampullary neoplasms
Sun May 01 00:00:00 EDT 2005