Protecting the integrity of samples is essential to the success of every biobanking project. So is the ability to easily share information designed to accelerate lifesaving discoveries. Thermo Scientific solutions offer the most diverse, cutting-edge portfolio of biobanking products and services designed to help you do both. Our sample collection, preparation and automation equipment, cold storage, wireless monitoring, consumables, reagents and biobanking services give you the power to secure and preserve your samples, track your inventory, streamline productivity, and meet your toughest laboratory challenges. At the same time, Thermo Scientific informatics solutions enable you to share insights and information critical to advancing science. And discovering the next big idea.
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You’re committed to preserving the integrity of your samples. It isn’t always easy and you face a whole range of challenges every day. You don’t have to go it alone; there’s a whole range of Thermo Scientific products to help simplify your Biobanking workflow. Check out our Biobanking Blog, articles and other resources to help you secure and protect your valuable samples.
New Products
Introducing a novel new tube sealing system that allows easy sample access while minimizing thaw/re-freeze cycles. The new Thermo Scientific™ SampleSeal™ Heat Sealer applies a foil seal to individual 96- and 384-format storage tubes, allowing single-tube access and optimal sample protection. Learn more…
Thermo Scientific™ CryoExtra™ 8100 Series high-efficiency LN2 storage solutions provide outstanding sample protection for scientific research with uniform cryogenic temperatures throughout the vessel. Choose from four capacities storing 19,500 up to 93,000 1.2 – 2.0 mL vials. Learn more…
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