Thermo Fisher Scientific cryopreservation sample preparation and storage solutions offer scientists outstanding temperature performance, low operating costs and integrated control features. Some of the features that make our solutions stand out include extended hold times at consistent temperatures—even during a power outage. This means the need to assign a backup storage solution and relocate samples is dramatically reduced, if not eliminated. Because LN2 storage depends on the cooling power of naturally sourced nitrogen, there are no halogenated hydrocarbon refrigerants involved and the cryo units do not emit greenhouse gases. These LN2-based cryogenic storage units consume less power than a standard light bulb.
To determine your optimal combination of products, we offer a new online product selector here. It will walk you through questions to help you target the products best suited for your requirements, including intended storage temperature and use, any defrost requirements, and a range of configuration options. As well, the new Thermo Scientific Cryopreservation brochure is the go-to resource for scientists trying to determine optimal sample storage solutions.The brochure covers everything from sample preparation to storage solutions and transportation. In addition to providing full specifications across a multitude of cryopreservation storage solutions, it is also designed to help you find the best system for your personal sample preparation needs, whether your intent is to use racks or cassettes, and will help determine the quantity you need.
The brochure contains specifications and storage accessories for:
- Sample preparation
- Auto-fill liquid nitrogen storage
- Manual-fill dewars
- Liquid nitrogen transport solutions
One of the most useful features of the brochure is a flowchart that allows you to work through your own requirements. The flowchart features options for each storage solution type as well as information regarding capacity. This flowchart overview relates back to more detailed descriptions of each piece of equipment, including accessories. Using the flowchart, with a single glance you can compare options, allowing you to plan for tomorrow’s samples storage requirements as well as today’s.
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