Booth D108
The show website provides a national overview of the Brazilian food industry and you can see why this country is a major player in world food processing. It is the first world exporter of processed foods in volume and fifth in value, as well as first in orange juice and sugar production and export. Brazil is also known for its meat production and export. It is the second world producer in meat, third world producer of poultry, and fourth world producer of pork. Chocolates and sweets, instant coffee, powdered milk, and soybean oil are other food and beverage items where they top the list in either production, export, or both.
According to the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service, U.S. exports of food and farm products to Brazil reached a record of nearly $1.7 billion in fiscal year 2014.
“Brazil is a major competitor to the United States in international sales of agricultural commodities such as soybeans, poultry, beef, corn and rice. But while Brazil and the United States compete in the global market, the two nations are also close collaborators in agricultural research and the advancement of science-based policies to govern international trade in food and agricultural products.”
It is fitting that one of the biggest food producing countries is holding one of the biggest food processing and production technology shows in the world. Fispal Tecnologia boasts a lecture hall that runs a program of presentations and talks about technology, machines and trends for the entire foodstuffs and beverages industries. Inside the show pavilion, attendees will be able to see firsthand the latest technology and equipment for processing, packaging, inspection and services.
Food safety is always a hot topic at the show and in the news. Last year, the United States Department of Agriculture and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply of Brazil today issued the following joint statement:
“Food producers must have access to the newest and most appropriate agricultural technologies, including improvement of conventional reproduction, biotechnology, and other innovative technologies. We encourage all countries to evaluate new technologies in a transparent, science-based manner and to apply least restrictive trade measures. Failure to do so will lead to market distortions and lost opportunities to improve productivity, which would in turn have a negative impact on the environment, agricultural production, and food safety.”
With the industry adjusting to growth in snack foods and the new packaging trends, food producers may need to consider new machinery and equipment to ensure continued safety and quality of their products via package product inspection. We’ll be demonstrating heavy duty metal detectors that can survive harsh, mechanical vibration and sanitation with caustic chemicals washdown (key to meat production facilities), as well as x-ray detection systems that are used to inspect packaged products for missing pieces or components, under and over-fills, and other quality problems. Metal detectors and X-ray inspection systems are needed at different points in the factory in order to detect physical contaminants, such as metal, glass, plastic, and stones that may have compromised the food manufacturing process. Another food quality piece of equipment, a checkweigher, helps minimize product giveaway while helping to ensure that the quantity of item in the package matches what it says on the label.
If all this food talk is getting you hungry for the real thing, Trip Advisor lists the The 10 Best Sao Paulo Restaurants for 2016. I can’t recommend them first hand, but there are plenty of reviews on the website. And if you like meat, any one of them would probably have a great choice on the menu.
Hope to see you there, but if you can’t make it, follow the show’s twitter hashtag #FispalTecnologia.
PLEASE NOTE: Zika virus is still a threat. Please see the latest information regarding travel to Brazil from the Centers for Disease Control here:
Show Details:
June 14-17, 2016
Fispal Tecnologia
Booth D108
Anhembi Pavilion
San Paulo, Brazil
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