Zinc (Zn), atomic number 30 on the Periodic Table, is a very versatile element and is sought after by the mining industry. Zinc is a natural component of the earth and inherent in our environment. Zinc is present not only in rock and soil, but also in air, water and the biosphere. Even plants, animals and humans contain zinc. The many industrial uses for zinc (Zn) create a strong global demand for the metal from major producers in Asia, Australia, and the Americas. You can find forms of zinc in many different products, including: creams and lotions, rubber tires, paint, roofing materials, automobiles, ships, and aircraft, as well as building structures. If you’re on the beach, in the air, on the road, or staying at home, you are probably surrounded by zinc. Download this infographic and see some more fun facts about Zinc. Our next article will compare portable XRF analysis against lab results to see if portable x-ray fluorescent analyzers are suitable for zinc and its associated minerals.
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