The Champion™ pET-DEST42 Gateway™ destination vector is designed for rapid cloning with a Gateway™ entry clone using lambda phage site-specificRead more
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Catalog number 12276010
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Gateway™ pET-DEST42 Vector
Catalog number12276010
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The Champion™ pET-DEST42 Gateway™ destination vector is designed for rapid cloning with a Gateway™ entry clone using lambda phage site-specific recombination and subsequent high-level prokaryotic expression controlled by the strong bacteriophage T7 promoter. Expression is induced by the production of T7 RNA polymerase in BL21(DE3) E. coli. The Champion™ pET-DEST42 destination vector offers:
• Bacteriophage T7lac promoter for high-level expression O operator sequences for lac repressor binding to ensure tighter regulation of transcription • pBR322 ori for minimal basal expression • C-terminal V5 and 6xHis tags for efficient detection and purification R sites for efficient recombination with any attL-flanked Gateway™ entry vector
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Constitutive or Inducible SystemInducible
Inducing AgentIPTG
PromoterT7, lacO
Product TypeGateway System Destination Expression Vector
Selection Agent (Eukaryotic)None
Antibiotic Resistance BacterialAmpicillin (AmpR)
Protein TagHis Tag (6x), V5 Epitope Tag
Cloning MethodGateway
Quantity6 μg
VectorpET, pDEST
Product LineGateway™
Unit SizeEach
Contents & Storage
The Champion™ pET-DEST42 Gateway™ destination vector includes 6 μg of vector. Store at -20°C. The vector is guaranteed stable for 6 months when properly stored.