PepMap™ Neo Trap Cartridge
PepMap™ Neo Trap Cartridge
Thermo Scientific™

PepMap™ Neo Trap Cartridge

Use the Thermo Scientific™ PepMap™ Neo Trap Cartridge with PepMap™ Neo UHPLC Columns to filter impurities from your peptide mapping samples.
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Catalog number 174500
Price (USD)/ Pack of 3
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Length (Metric):
5 mm
Price (USD)/ Pack of 3
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PepMap™ Neo Trap Cartridge
Catalog number174500
Price (USD)/ Pack of 3
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Use the Thermo Scientific™ PepMap™ Neo Trap Cartridge with Double nanoViper™ PepMap™ Neo UHPLC Columns or EASY-Spray™ PepMap™ Neo UHPLC Columns to filter impurities from your peptide mapping samples. Connect the trap cartridge to your HPLC system with the Thermo Scientific™ PepMap™ Neo Trap Cartridge Holder, PEEK Tubing, & nanoViper™ Fittings (Catalog Numbers 174501 and 174502).

Column FormatTrap Cartridge
Diameter (Metric)300 μm
For Use WithPepMap™ Neo Nano Trap Cartridge Holder with PEEK Tubing and nanoViper™ Fittings (part number 174502)
Length (Metric)5 mm
Max. Pressure22,000 psi (1500 bar)
Particle Size5 μm
pH2 to 8
Pore Size100 Å
Surface Area450 m2/g
USP TypeL1
Stationary PhaseC18
Product LinePepMap Neo
Packing MaterialSpherical, Fully Porous, Ultrapure Silica
Carbon Load15%
Column TypeReversed Phase
PhaseReversed Phase
DescriptionPepMap™ Neo 5 μm C18 300 μm X 5 mm Trap Cartridge
For Use With (Application)Trap and Elute
Unit SizePack of 3