Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog Number | Length (Metric) |
17826-052130 | 50 mm |
17826-012105 | 10 mm |
17826-102130 | 100 mm |
Choose Thermo Scientific™ Accucore™ Biphenyl LC Columns for fast and reliable separation of critical pairs and isomers. These columns provide unique selectivity for aromatic and moderately polar analytes. Their optimized packing offers a rugged platform for a variety of matrices. Based on Core Enhanced Technology, Accucore liquid chromatography reversed phase columns provide fast, high-resolution separations without the elevated backpressures seen using sub-2μm particles.
Trust your separation of critical pairs and isomers to Accucore Biphenyl LC Columns. These columns offer fast run times, excellent robustness, and consistent reproducibility, and provide the perfect balance of polar analyte retention and hydrophobic analyte elution.