BioPrime™ Array CGH Genomic Labeling System
BioPrime™ Array CGH Genomic Labeling System

BioPrime™ Array CGH Genomic Labeling System

The BioPrime™ Plus Array CGH Genomic Labeling Systems are a high-performance labeling kits that enable reproducible labeling of genomic DNARead more
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Catalog number 18095011
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BioPrime™ Array CGH Genomic Labeling System
Catalog number18095011
Price (USD)/ Each
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The BioPrime™ Plus Array CGH Genomic Labeling Systems are a high-performance labeling kits that enable reproducible labeling of genomic DNA samples for array-based Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH). Available in both indirect and direct labeling formats, the BioPrime™ Plus Array CGH Genomic Labeling Systems provide a flexible solution to your genomic labeling needs. Using the
BioPrime™ Plus Array CGH Genomic Labeling Systems, you can expect:
––High yields of fluorescently labeled genomic DNA
–signal-to-noise ratios
–detection of gene copy number variations (Figure 1)

These systems combine a highly concentrated exo-Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I and random primers to effectively label genomic targets for sensitive genomic profiling experiments. Exo-Klenow is a mutant of the large fragment of the DNA polymerase I holoenzyme that has both 5´ - 3´ and 3´ - 5´ exonuclease activity removed. The lack of exonuclease activity makes this enzyme ideal for use in random priming protocols, enabling robust yields and efficient incorporation of Alexa Fluor™ AHA fluorescent nucleotides. In the BioPrime™ Plus Array CGH Genomic Labeling Systems, random octamers anneal to template DNA, providing priming sites for the exo- Klenow enzyme. Alexa Fluor™ AHA modified nucleotides (direct labeling) or amino-allyl modified nucleotides (indirect labeling) are incorporated as the polymerase extends from the priming sites. The labeled samples are then purified to remove contaminants prior to denaturing and hybridization to a microarray (direct labeling systems) or coupled to the Alexa Fluor™ NHS ester (indirect labeling systems) prior to hybridization (Figure 2).
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Product TypeGenomic Labeling System
Detection MethodFluorescence
Final Product TypeProbes (Labeled DNA)
Label or DyeCy™3, Cy™5, Alexa Fluor™-Labeled Nucleotides
Includes Label or DyeNo
Labeling TargetGenomic DNA
Labeling MethodDirect Labeling
Product LineBioPrime™
For Use With (Application)Chromatin Biology
Quantity30 Reactions
Unit SizeEach
Contents & Storage
Table 1 summarizes the components of the various BioPrime™ Array CGH Labeling Systems. The BioPrime™ Core Module is found in all standard BioPrime™ and BioPrime™ Plus Systems and Modules. It contains exo-Klenow fragment (40 U/ μl), 2.5X random primer solution (octamers), control DNA (Salmon Sperm), stop buffer, and distilled water. Store at -20°C. The BioPrime™ Plus Systems and Modules contain the Alexa Fluor™ modified dNTP mixes or amine modified dNTP mixes and the Alexa Fluor™ NHS Esters. Store at -20°C. The standard BioPrime™ and BioPrime™ Plus Array CGH Genomic Labeling Systems also contain purification columns and purification buffers. Store at room temperature. All components are guaranteed for 6 months when properly stored. See Table 1 for product component summary.