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Catalog Number | Includes |
20-EPAVCSA also known as 20-EPAVCS(A) | 20mL amber glass EPA vials with cap and seal |
60-EPAVCS | 60 mL clear glass EPA vials with cap and seal |
These are processed and packaged under a strict registered ISO Quality Management System in the same manner as Level 300 products. Level 100 products are not certified or pre-cleaned. Every case of product is labeled with its production number and is custody sealed to ensure reliable chain-of-custody.
National EPA Screw Vials convenience kits are recommended for discrete water sampling under EPA 40 CFR 136 “Guidelines for Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants” and EPA 40 CFR 141 “National Interim Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Control of Trihalomethanes in Drinking Water”.
Level 200 pre-cleaned vials
Processed and packaged under a strict registered ISO Quality Management System in the same manner as Level 300 products. Level 200 products are not certified. Every case of product is labeled with its production number and is custody sealed to ensure reliable chain-of-custody.
Level 300 pre-cleaned and certified
Laboratory certified to meet U.S. EPA Super Fund Standards in accordance with the latest edition of EPA’s Specifications and Guidance for Contaminant Free Sample Containers. The Level 300 Certificate of Analysis is backed by third-party-generated validatable laboratory data, and provides complete traceability through the production process. Every case of Level 300 product contains a Certificate of Analysis and is custody sealed to ensure reliable chain of-custody.