Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog Number | Description |
4250885 | RIIDEye X-GN |
4250863 | RIIDEye M-G3 |
4250866 | RIIDEye M-HN |
4250880 | RIIDEye X-G |
4250882 | RIIDEye X-H |
4250886 | RIIDEye X-HN |
4250860 | RIIDEye M-G |
4250865 | RIIDEYE M-GN |
4250862 | RIIDEye M-H |
Whether you are evaluating water or soil sample or searching for materials that could make a dirty bomb, it's critical to know the exact isotope of the radioactive material in order to assess the potential threat and quickly initiate a plan of action. The Thermo Scientific™ RIIDEye™ X and RIIDEye M Handheld Radioisotope Identifiers, with patented Quadratic Compression Conversion (QCC) technology, are well suited to support users from homeland security operations to contamination monitoring and remediation, with the industry's fastest, most accurate and easy to use RIID.
The RIIDEye X Handheld Radiation Isotope Identifier is the next generation of rugged devices designed to withstand the demanding environment in which first responders, security forces and military operate. It offers a comprehensive list of features:
The RIIDEye M Handheld Radiation Isotope Identifier comes in a multi-configuration, multi-purpose package. It contains the same detection SW and user interface as well as many of the features of the RIIDEye X but its mechanical design is ideally suited for field laboratories and environmental studies. The following features differ from the RIIDEye X: