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Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog Number | Product Type | Color | Surface Treatment | Total Volume (Metric) Well |
436014 | Microplate | Clear | Streptavidin | 400 μL |
436015 | Microplate | White | Streptavidin | 400 μL |
436016 | Microplate | Black | Streptavidin | 400 μL |
436017 | Microplate | Clear | Streptavidin | 120 μL |
436020 | Solid module F8 (x12) in frame | Clear | Streptavidin | 400 μL |
436022 | Lock-Well module C8 (x12) in frame | Clear | Streptavidin | 350 μL |
436033 | Microplate | White | Glutathione | 400 μL |
95029263 | Microplate | Clear | Streptavidin | 400 μL |
95029293 | Breakable module F8 (x12) in frame | Clear | Streptavidin | 400 μL |
Help reduce variability in molecular orientation with Thermo Scientific™ Plates and Modules with Affinity Binding Surfaces.
Affinity Capture Surfaces (Passive Streptavidin and Immobilizer Streptavidin, Nickel Chelate and Glutathione, BioBind):