Methyl Primer Express™ Software v1.0 enables you to design high quality PCR primers for methylation mapping experiments. Simply cut and paste in your region of interest. The tool searches for CpG islands and simulates bisulfite modification of DNA in silico.
Methyl Primer Express™ Software v1.0 enables you to:• Easily design robust primers for methylation studies
• Annotate the transcription start base and translation start codon
• Highlight target regions of interest and examine these boundaries in your primer design reports
• Predict CpG islands in your DNA sequence
• Simulate the bisulfite modification of DNA
• Create a “reference” sequence for downstream sequencing analysis
Modify CpG Search and Primer Design Criteria Easily Flexible software enables you to easily modify the criteria you use to search for CpG islands in your sample DNA.
Create Information-Rich Reports Create primer design reports containing your sample's initial DNA sequence, its bisulfite-modified sequence, a CpG density representation, the location of primers in the initial sequence, and both the primer sequence and its associated characteristics.
Part of a Complete Methylation Experiment Workflow Applied Biosystems™ supplies all the tools you need for DNA methylation mapping experiments (see Figure 1 for details).
How to Order Simply add Methyl Primer Express™ Software v1.0 to your cart and check out normally to receive a CD-ROM and printed Quick Reference Guide. Or download the software for free using the link below:
Download Methyl Primer Express™ Software v1.0 For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostics procedures.