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Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog Number | Quantity |
4376487 | 1000 Preps |
4376486 | 100 Preps |
4376484 | 2500 Preps |
4376485 | 40,000 Preps |
The BigDye XTerminator™ Purification Kit is a fast, simple purification method for DNA sequencing reactions that removes unincorporated BigDye™ terminators and salts. No more dye blobs! Cleanup is complete in under 40 minutes and requires less than 10 minutes of labor.
Simple Purification Process
Traditional purification methods, such as ethanol precipitation, require the addition of multiple reagents along with decanting and centrifuging steps. The BigDye XTerminator™ Purification Kit requires the addition of only two reagents which can be added sequentially or premixed:
The protocol is very simple (see figure 1):
Excellent Long Fragment Recovery
You won't sacrifice sequence length when you use the BigDye XTerminator™ Purification Kit. Figure 2 shows data from the DNA Technology Unit, Plant Biotechnology Institute (NRC-PBI) Saskatoon, Canada. The Q20 base read=1044 bp.
Improved Short Fragment Recovery
Use the BigDye XTerminator™ Purification Kit to obtain higher quality data. Figure 3 shows a comparison between the BigDye XTerminator™ Purification Kit and ethanol precipitation-based purification performed at the DNA Technology Unit, Plant Biotechnology Institute (NRC-PBI) Saskatoon, Canada. The BigDye XTerminator™ Purification Kit results in superior short fragment recovery. Ethanol purification produces sequence data marred by dye blobs.
Increased Stability
Sealed reaction plates are stable for 48 hours at room temperature or 10 days at 4°C You can re-run the same sample in case of a power interruption, computer malfunction, etc. without having to repeat the experiment. This increases your flexibility when loading a reaction plate on a CE instrument.
Run Modules Available
Applied Biosystems provides download-able run modules for use with the BigDye XTerminator™ Purification Kit and Data Collection Software. These modules are designed for the 3100, 3100–Avant (with Data Collection v2.0 or above), 3130/3130xl, and 3730/3730xl Analyzers. The software modules for the BigDye XTerminator™ Purification Kit are compatible with the Windows™ 2000 and Windows™ XP operating systems and are available on our software download page:
Applied Biosystems integrated systems for genetic analysis ›
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostics procedures.