Fast SYBR™ Green Master Mix Real-Time PCR Master Mix Designed for Speed Obtain a fast, reliable, and cost-effective solution for your real-time PCR applications without compromising sensitivity, specificity, dynamic range, or PCR efficiency.
• Fast—Real-time PCR results in as fast as 35 minutes
• Sensitive—Detect very low copies of target
• Specific—Minimize primer-dimer and non-specific amplification
• Reproducible—Consistent amplification across a wide dynamic range Fast SYBR™ Green Master Mix contains all of the components, excluding the template and primers, in a convenient 2X master mix. It includes the following components in an optimized buffer:
• AmpliTaq™ Fast DNA Polymerase, UP, a highly purified DNA polymerase designed to allow instant hot start, minimizing non-specific product formation and enabling reactions to be set up at room temperature
• SYBR™ Green I dye to enable detection of double-stranded DNA
• Deoxynucleotides (dNTPs) to help maintain optimal PCR results
• Uracil-DNA Glycosylase (UDG) designed to reduce carryover contamination
• Passive internal reference based on proprietary ROX™ dye to enable increased precision
Alternative productTry
PowerUp SYBR Green Master Mix, our newest, high-performance, SYBR dye-based master mix for superior performance at a very competitive price. With PowerUp SYBR Green Master Mix, we’ve taken the best of Fast SYBR Green Master Mix and added additional capabilities for your gene expression analysis.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.