Block FormatNon-interchangeable
Thermal Accuracy±0.25°C (35°C to 99.9°C)
For Use With (Equipment)Veriti Dx Thermal Cycler
Thermal Uniformity<0.5°C (20 sec. after reaching 95°C)
Reaction SpeedFast, Standard
Dimensions19.1 x 9.3 x 9.6 in. (48.5 x 23.7 x 24.5 cm)
Capacity96-well, 0.2 mL
Voltage100/240 V
Display Type6.5 in. VGA 32 k Color Touchscreen
Product TypeThermal Cycler
WarrantyLimited Warranty
Thermal Range0°C to 100°C
User InterfaceUSB, Wi-Fi, Ethernet
Max. Ramp Rate3.9°C/sec. (Block), 3.35°C/sec. (Sample)
No. of Programs>500
Quantity1 instrument
Weight25 lb. (11.4 kg)
Block Configurations96-well, 6-Zone VeriFlex Block
Unit Size1 instrument