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Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog Number | Description |
60180-M950 | Hand Held Sealing Tape Applicator |
60180-V109 | Vials for 96-well Deep-well Plates, Taper, 350 μL |
60180-V100 | Vials for 96-well Microtiter Plates, Taper, 500 μL |
60180-V101 | Vials for 96-well Microtiter Plates, Taper, 700 μL |
60180-V110 | Vials for 96-well Square Well Plates, Round, 1000 μL |
60180-V104 | Vials for 96-well Microtiter Plates, Round, 1100 μL |
60180-V106 | Vials for 96-well Deep-Well Plates, Round, 1500 μL |
60180-M999 | Hand Held Mat Applicator |
60180-P407 | Micro-Tube-Rack System (MTRS) |
60180-C100 | Polyethylene Cap with Center Hole |
Sealing Tape Applicator
Ensure a consistent, reliable seal with all microplate formats and all types of tape with this easy to use, handheld applicator for Thermo Scientific™ WebSeal Sealing Tapes. They are packaged two per box.
Sample Concentrators
Remove most chromatography solvents in just minutes. Simple to operate and maintain, Thermo Scientific™ WebSeal Sample Concentrators allow quick, easy solvent evaporation from 96 well microplates, offering significantly quicker dry-down times than standard methods such as vacuum ovens or centrifuges. These evaporators offer significant throughput advantages for laboratories looking to accelerate microplate sample preparation. Depending on your throughput requirements, choose either the manually operated MiniVap Concentrator or the programmable, robot-ready UltraVap.