Nalgene™ Lab Notebooks with PolyPaper™ Pages
Nalgene™ Lab Notebooks with PolyPaper™ Pages
Thermo Scientific™

Nalgene™ Lab Notebooks with PolyPaper™ Pages

Permanently secure valuable notes and data in these hardcover case-bound paginated books featuring 100 (50 sheets) uncoated Thermo Scientific™ PolyPaper™.
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Catalog number 6300-1000
Lab Notebook PolyPaper™ Gridded 23.5 x 28.6 cm
Cover Color:

Permanently secure your valuable notes and data in Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Lab Notebooks with PolyPaper™ Pages. These hardcover case-bound paginated books include 100 (50 sheets) of uncoated PolyPaper and are extremely chemical resistant. Pages include spaces for dates and signatures — necessary documentation for securing patent protection.

  • Case-bound polyethylene hardcover protects 100 permanently-bound, polyolefin pages that are chemical resistant.
  • 9.25 x 11.25″ (23 x 29cm) pages are ruled with a fine green 0.25″ (6mm) grid to assist for orderly note keeping, drawings and charts.
  • Pages accepts ballpoint pen and permanent marking pen.
  • Notebook is permanently bound and paginated for data security and traceability.


Instructions for keeping records, page for issuing book and table of contents

Width (English) Page11.25 in.
Length (English) Page9.25 in.
Cover ColorBlack
Cover MaterialPolyethylene
DescriptionLab Notebook PolyPaper™ Gridded 23.5 x 28.6 cm
Length (English)9.5 in.
Length (Metric)241.3 mm
Length (Metric) Page235 mm
Width (English)11.5 in.
Width (Metric)292.1 mm
Width (Metric) Page285.8 mm
Grid Type0.25 in. (6 mm)
Quantity1/Pk., 6/Cs.
Unit SizeCase of 6