BOVIGAM™ PC-EC Stimulating Antigen (lyophilized)
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BOVIGAM™ PC-EC Stimulating Antigen (lyophilized)
Thermo Scientific™

BOVIGAM™ PC-EC Stimulating Antigen (lyophilized)

This is a tuberculin peptide cocktail based on the AHVLA ESAT-6 and CFP-10 antigens, for highest specificity in stimulation forRead more
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Catalog number 7600100
Price (USD)/ 120 samples
120 Samples
This is a tuberculin peptide cocktail based on the AHVLA ESAT-6 and CFP-10 antigens, for highest specificity in stimulation for BOVIGAM® products. It is ideal for bovine tuberculosis monitoring purposes.
Product LineBOVIGAM™, Prionics™
Target SpeciesBovine
Quantity120 Samples
Unit Size120 samples