Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog Number | Description |
833-036900 | Analytical Raman |
833-036200 | FT-IR Standard |
833-036300 | For Polymer Labs |
833-036400 | For Forensic Labs |
833-036500 | FT-IR Complete |
833-036600 | For TGA |
833-036700 | Vapor Phase |
833-036800 | Standard Raman |
833-043700 | Nicolet iS50 Edition |
Quickly gather clear visual data as you work using the innovative identification and interpretation tools of Thermo Scientific™ OMNIC™ Specta Software.
OMNIC Specta Software creates a database of spectral data through is a unique combination of spectral identification tools, interpretation algorithms, and scientific documentation that indexes information on your hard disk. The software guides you in identifying materials and verifying assumptions—eliminating typical analytical tasks—so you get answers quickly and confidently.