The GeneChip™ Porcine Genome Array is an important tool for studying gene expression in the porcine animal model. Domestic pigs are an important food source and, because of the many anatomical and physiological similarities to humans, are also used extensively for medical research. In particular, the pig makes an excellent research model for wound repair, reproductive diseases, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.
• The Porcine Genome Array contains 23,937 probe sets to interrogate 23,256 transcripts in pig, which represents 20,201 genes.
• Use the Power of the Probe Set and get multiple independent measurements for each transcript that delivers the greatest accuracy and reproducibility of any microarray platform.
• GeneChip System: richer data, sharper insights, better decisions.
Array ProfileThe GeneChip Porcine Genome Array provides comprehensive coverage of the
Sus scrofa transcriptome. The array contains 23,937 probe sets that interrogate approximately 23,256 transcripts from 20,201
S. scrofa genes.
The sequence information for this array was selected from public data sources including UniGene Build 28 (August 2004), GenBank™ mRNAs up to August 24, 2004, and GenBank porcine mitochondrial and rRNA sequences. Probe sets consist of up to eleven probe pairs. The array format consists of eleven micron features synthesized on the 100 format.
The Porcine Genome Array was created within the
GeneChip Consortia Program.
Instrument and Software Requirements• GeneChip Scanner 3000, enabled for High-Resolution Scanning*
• GeneChip Operating Software (GCOS) v1.1.1 or higher, which includes the GeneChip Scanner 3000 High-Resolution Scanning Patch
*GeneChip Scanner 3000 High-Resolution Update is standard on all instruments shipped starting in September 2003 with serial number series 502. Previous versions, such as serial number series 501, will require the GeneChip Scanner 3000 High-Resolution Update, Catalog Number 00-0110, to be installed.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.