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Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog Number | Description |
942350023412 | iCE 3400 GF AA Furnace Only Spectrometer (North American Version) |
942350023411 | iCE 3400 GF AA Furnace Only Spectrometer |
If your laboratory routinely requires ultra-sensitive detection limits from furnace analysis, the Thermo Scientific™ iCE™ 3400 AAS is ideal. This dedicated single Graphite Furnace AAS with both Deuterium and Zeeman background correction offers superb performance and value for money.
Renowned Thermo Scientific™ SOLAAR™ software provides ultimate ease of use and analysis optimization; while our innovative Graphite Furnace Television (GFTV) gives a real time view of the cuvette as an aid to method development, ensuring accurate repeatable analysis.
Maximize Productivity
This low cost Graphite Furnace AAS system, delivers a complete solution for laboratories facing challenging detection limits and needing elemental analysis by furnace.
Gain Cost Efficiency
Gain even greater efficiency from hardware and accessories designed with cost control in mind.
Enjoy Advanced Performance and Flexibility
All the innovation, performance and ease of use you expect from Thermo Scientific instruments come as standard with the iCE 3400 AAS.