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Catalog Number | Content And Storage |
A29881 | |
A30150 |
High Resolution Melt Software v3.2 is an all-new and improved tool for High Resolution Melting (HRM) analysis. HRM analysis is a post-PCR analysis method used to identify variation in nucleic acid sequences. The method is based on detecting small differences in PCR melting (dissociation) curves. It is enabled by high-brightness, dsDNA-binding dyes used in conjunction with real-time PCR instrumentation that has precise temperature ramp control, advanced data capture capabilities, and access to software designed specifically for HRM analysis. High Resolution Melt Software v3.2 brings HRM to the QuantStudio 1, QuantStudio 3 and 5, StepOne and StepOnePlus Real-Time PCR Systems, and the 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System, and contains features that make fast and accurate HRM results more accessible than ever.
Download High Resolution Melt (HRM) Software (license key required) ›
Key product features:
• Minimal user input to achieve results—software automatically applies default/saved analysis settings upon opening an experiment file
• Easy recall—new Analysis Settings Library saves settings for future experiments
• Greater accuracy—clustering algorithm accurately distinguishes control and variant genotypes
• Increased sensitivity—software allows input of expected number of clusters for difficult-to-detect SNPs (class 4)
• Ability to achieve more in one run—separate analysis of multiple assays run on a single plate
• Shortcuts in experiment setup—direct copy and paste functions with Excel; well information and plate layout clearly displayed in Plate View
Minimize user input to achieve results and easily recall analysis settings
High Resolution Melt Software v3.2 automatically applies default or saved analysis settings upon opening an experiment file, which allows the user to achieve results with minimal input. It also includes a new Analysis Settings Library, allowing the user to save optimized settings and easily recall them for use in future experiments.
Realize greater accuracy and increase your sensitivity
The v3.2 software utilizes an improved clustering algorithm that helps to accurately distinguish control and variant genotypes, and allows the user to input the expected number of clusters for increased sensitivity for difficult SNP genotyping.
Achieve more in one run
With the v3.2 software, you now have the ability to conduct separate analyses of multiple assays run on a single plate.
Get your experiments up and running fast with shortcuts in setup
Users of High Resolution Melt Software v3.2 can copy and paste directly from Excel spreadsheets to set up experiments quickly. Plate View also clearly displays well information and the plate layout to ease plate setup.