Bovine ISAG SNP Parentage Panel (2013)
Bovine ISAG SNP Parentage Panel (2013)
Applied Biosystems™

Bovine ISAG SNP Parentage Panel (2013)

The Bovine ISAG SNP Parentage Panel (2013) contains primers targeting the 200 ISAG-recommended SNPs available for simple multiplexed analysis usingRead more
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Catalog number A35297
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The Bovine ISAG SNP Parentage Panel (2013) contains primers targeting the 200 ISAG-recommended SNPs available for simple multiplexed analysis using the AgriSeq targeted genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) workflow. The International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG) has standardized a set of 100 core SNPs and 100 additional SNPs with sufficient minor allele frequency and genomic spacing for accurate bovine parentage determination across a wide range of breeds (Download SNP information from ISAG website (.xls)). Qualified using the 2015 ISAG/ICAR 3rd SNP Typing Bovine Comparison samples, our comprehensive Bovine ISAG Parentage Panel is designed to deliver reliable genotyping results for animal parentage testing.

Key features include:
• Reproducible genotyping of 200 ISAG-recommended markers
• Simple, high-throughput workflow
• Customizable approach to combine with compatible trait or defect markers

>98% genotyping call rate across breeds
Genotyping coverage and reproducibility are imperative to accurately determine parentage relationships within closely related populations. 96 highly diverse bovine gDNA samples representing 19 different cattle breeds were evaluated using the AgriSeq targeted GBS workflow, and a 98.5% mean call rate was obtained between samples with >99.6% genotyping concordance between replicates (see figure below).

Simple, high throughput workflow
The Bovine ISAG SNP Parentage Panel (2013) has been optimized for use in the AgriSeq targeted GBS workflow. Up to 384 unique animals can be pooled per chip, greatly reducing the sequencing cost and labor per animal. Additionally, this workflow has shown compatibility with several simple DNA extraction kits, including DNA ExtractALL lysis chemistry with its simple 5-minute 2-step protocol that can help further reduce time and labor in generating results (see figure below).

Customize panel with other trait or defect markers for maximal test value
The AgriSeq targeted GBS workflow is flexible enough to add compatible markers and panels together for efficient, high-value data generation. Whether you are looking to combine parentage analysis with specific trait markers of economic importance for improved herd management or genetic defect markers to cull out carriers in breeding programs, our dedicated team of Agrigenomics Bioinformatics specialists is available to help design high performance panels.

NOTE: The Bos taurus reference genome needed for analysis of the Bovine ISAG SNP Parentage Panel can be obtained by contacting technical support.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
No. of Reactions96
Product TypeExpression Microarrays
Quantity960 reactions
Shipping ConditionDry Ice
Unit SizeEach
Contents & Storage
Store in freezer (-5° to -30°C).