Oncomine™ Myeloid MRD DNA Assay (RUO)
Oncomine™ Myeloid MRD DNA Assay (RUO)
Ion Torrent™

Oncomine™ Myeloid MRD DNA Assay (RUO)

The Ion Torrent Oncomine Myeloid MRD DNA Assay (RUO) is a comprehensive targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) assay designed for myeloidRead more
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Catalog number A53838
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24 Reactions
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Oncomine™ Myeloid MRD DNA Assay (RUO)
Catalog numberA53838
Price (USD)/ Each
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The Ion Torrent Oncomine Myeloid MRD DNA Assay (RUO) is a comprehensive targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) assay designed for myeloid measurable residual disease (MRD) research. It is a DNA-only version of the Oncomine Myeloid MRD Assay (Cat. No. A53837). Ion AmpliSeq HD technology enables variant detection with sensitivity as low as 0.05% allele frequency.

The panel features key DNA targets for myeloid MRD analysis, allowing simultaneous profiling of single nucleotide variants (SNVs), insertions and deletions (indels), and tandem duplications. These carefully curated targets are relevant for all categories of myeloid neoplasms, including acute myeloid leukemia (AML), myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), and myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) samples.

This assay is compatible with the Ion GeneStudio S5 sequencer and can be run on either Ion 540 or Ion 550 chips. The input material is DNA extracted from blood and bone marrow samples. The test includes a complete informatics and reporting solution that simplifies data analysis and interpretation.

Oncomine Myeloid MRD DNA Assay features include:
• Comprehensive coverage of key DNA mutations associated with myeloid disorders
• High sensitivity detection of somatic variants down to 0.05% allele frequency
• Effective designs for key DNA targets such as NPM1, FLT3 internal tandem duplications (FLT3-ITDs), IDH1/2, TET2, DNMT3A, ASXL1, CEBPA, and TP53
• Fast 2–3 day sample-to-report workflow
• Analytically validated end-to-end informatics and reporting solution

The Oncomine Myeloid MRD DNA Assay is designed to assist in myeloid MRD research. The DNA panel is comprised of 33 genes. The assay also includes an optional small DNA microhaplotyping panel for chimerism analysis testing.

The multiplex PCR primer design leverages Ion AmpliSeq HD technology to generate results from multiple barcoded samples in a single run and dual barcoding ensure high sensitivity and accuracy. Libraries are prepared manually using a simple one-day PCR-based workflow and quantified by qPCR. Chip templating is done on the Ion Chef instrument overnight, followed by a ∼3–4 hr sequencing run on the Ion GeneStudio S5 system. Sequencing data is automatically analyzed by Ion Reporter software using optimized assay-specific analysis workflows and can be annotated and exported into customizable reports.

The assay kit includes three pools of Ion AmpliSeq HD oligonucleotide primers (a two-pool DNA panel and a one-pool DNA microhaplotyping panel) and Ion AmpliSeq HD library preparation reagents sufficient to sequence up to 24 samples. Four DNA samples can be sequenced together on an Ion 540 chip, and six DNA samples can be sequenced together on an Ion 550 chip. Ion GeneStudio sequencing chips (Ion 540 or Ion 550) and sequencing reagents must be ordered separately.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Chip Compatibility540 and 550 chips
Sample TypeDNA from Blood or Bone Marrow
Sequencing TypeNext Generation Sequencing
For Use With (Equipment)Ion GeneStudio S5 Sequencer
Quantity24 Reactions
Unit SizeEach