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Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog Number | Product Name | Quantity | Product Type |
A72127 | Lyo-ready RPA Kit | 100 Reactions | DNA Amplification Kit |
A72123 | Lyo-ready T4 Gene 32 Protein | 1600 μg | Stand-alone enzyme |
A72124 | Lyo-ready T4 UvsX Protein | 120 μg | Stand-alone enzyme |
A72125 | Lyo-ready T4 UvsY Protein | 120 μg | Stand-alone enzyme |
A72126 | RPA Reaction Buffer (2X) | 2000 μL | Reaction Buffer |
A72128 | Lyo-ready RPA Kit | 500 Reactions | DNA Amplification Kit |
Features of Lyo-ready RPA products
Kit components
The Lyo-ready RPA Kit includes all required components for an RPA reaction:
• Lyo-ready T4 UvsX Protein (1.2 mg/mL), 50 μL
• Lyo-ready T4 UvsY Protein (1.2 mg/mL), 50 μL
• Lyo-ready Bst DNA Polymerase (6 U/μL), 50 μL
• Lyo-ready T4 Gene 32 Protein (16 mg/mL), 50 μL
• 2X RPA Reaction Buffer, 1000 μL
• 280 mM MgCl2, 100 μL
• 10 mM dNTP Mix, 50 μL
Store at -25°C to -15°C.