ADR1500 Area Dust Monitor
ADR1500 Area Dust Monitor
Thermo Scientific™

ADR1500 Area Dust Monitor

Easily transport and install the Thermo Scientific™ ADR1500 real-time, ambient Dust Monitor for continuous monitoring.
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Area Dust Monitor

Easily transport and install the real-time, ambient Thermo Scientific™ ADR1500 Area Dust Monitor for continuous monitoring.

The Thermo Scientific Model ADR1500 Dust Monitor utilizes the highly sensitive light-scattering photometer (nephelometer) technology as used in the Thermo Scientific™ pDR series. The intensity of the light scattered by airborne particles passing through the sensing chamber is linearly proportional to their concentration. This optical configuration produces optimal response to particles, providing continuous measurements of the concentrations of airborne particles for total particulate and cut-points ranging from PM10 down to PM1.

The ADR1500 incorporates a temperature and relative humidity (RH) sensor coupled with an internal heater to mitigate the positive bias with elevated ambient RH. Additionally, the flow control is truly volumetric and is maintained through digital feedback of the onboard barometric pressure sensor, temperature sensor and calibrated differential pressure across a precision orifice. The principles of true volumetric flow, as incorporated by the ADR1500, result in an accurate sample volume and precise particle cut-point.

Key Features:

  • Volumetric flow control
  • Modular optics and long-life primary HEPA filter for ease of servicing
  • Multiple power and communications capabilities
  • Durable, weatherproof IP65 enclosure

Additional Information:

  • The measured concentration of particulate matter is displayed in real-time on the two-line LCD readout display
  • Additional values can be displayed: run start time and date, time averaged concentrations, elapsed run time and many more
  • Flexible power capabilities allow the ADR1500 to operate on AC (100-240 VAC), external DC (12-24 VDC) or an internal battery
  • Communications options are available for USB, RS-232, analog and wireless capability
  • Compact and durable instrument is ready for rapid deployment and unattended operation
  • A top-mounted handle allows for easy transport and installation with mounting options available for wall, post or tripod locations

Recommended for:

  • Site remediation
  • Alarm conditions
  • Asthma studies
  • Exposure monitoring
  • Fugitive dust monitoring
  • Perimeter monitoring
  • Area monitoring
Flow Rate1 to 3.5 L/min.
Temperature (English) Operating14°F to 122°F
Temperature (Metric) Operating10°C to 50°C
2-sigma Values±0.5% of reading or ±0.0015mg/m3, whichever is larger, for 10-second averaging time
Accuracy±5% of reading ±precision) traceable to SAE Fine test dust
Aerodynamic Particle Cut-Point Range1.0 to 10 μm, with optional cyclone accessories
Alarm Averaging TimeReal-time (1 to 60 seconds) or STEL (15 minutes)
AlarmsLoad impedance >100kw , Alarm ON = short to ground, Alarm OFF = open
Concentration Measurement Range0.001 to 400mg/m³ (auto-ranging)
Data Logging Averaging Periods1 second to 1hour
Depth (English)17 in.
Depth (Metric)215 mm
DescriptionArea Dust Monitor
Frequency50/60 Hz
Height (English)21 in.
Height (Metric)431 mm
Optional CyclonesGK 2.05 (Red) primarily for PM4 through PM10, SCC 1.062 (blue) primarily for PM1 through PM4
Particle Size Range0.1 to 10µm
Precision±2%, for 1-second averaging time
Real-time Analog Signal0 to 2V and 4 to 20mA, with selectable full scale ranges between 0.1 and 400mg/m3; 0-0.1, 0-0.4, 0-1.0, 0-4.0, 0-10, 0-40, 0-100 and 0-400, mg/m3
Real-time Digital SignalConcentration, flow, temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, time, date
Repeatability±0.005mg/m3, for 1-second averaging time
RH correction±0.2% or reading or ±0.0005mg/m3, whichever is larger, for 60-second averaging time
Run SummarySite number, average and max. concentrations, time/date of maximum, number of logged points, start time/date, elapsed time (run duration), averaging (logging) period, calibration factor and tag number
Scattering Coefficient Range1.1 x 10-6 to 0.6m-1 (approximately) @ l = 880nm
Serial InterfaceHigh speed, USB/RS-232 (reserved for wireless applications), 19,200 baud
Voltage100/240 VAC, 12/24 VDC for solar or auxiliary battery options
Weight (English)28.5 lb.
Weight (Metric)12.9 kg
Width (English)17 in.
Width (Metric)431 mm
Unit SizeEach