Ambion™ Linear Acrylamide (5 mg/mL) is for use as a nucleic acid coprecipitant and is ideal for PCR and RT-PCR reactions since small amounts of contaminating nucleic acids present in other carriers could be amplified. It is supplied in five tubes containing 1 mL each.
• Ideal for RT-PCR
• Increases pellet mass
• Quantitative recovery of low concentrations (ng/mL) of nucleic acid
• Prevents pellet loss in nuclease protection assays
What is a Coprecipitant?
Coprecipitants are inert substances used to aid recovery of nucleic acids during alcohol precipitations. While they can be used for precipitating large amounts of nucleic acids, they are essential for quantitative recovery of small amounts of nucleic acids in dilute solutions. Often, the use of such molecules is desirable for no other reason but visualization of the pelleted precipitate after centrifugation. Linear acrylamide offers advantages over other coprecipitants in that it is chemically synthesized and not treated with reagents (e.g. proteases) derived from biological sources. Therefore, it is not contaminated with biological material making it ideal for use upstream of RT-PCR. It has been shown to precipitate picogram amounts of DNA fragments larger than 20 base pairs while failing to precipitate shorter fragments and free nucleotides. Linear acrylamide is useful for separating reaction products from unincorporated nucleotides and from most oligonucleotide primers. It should be used at a final working concentration of 10–20 μg/mL. Linear acrylamide will not interfere with A260/280 readings.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.