Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog Number | Quantity |
AM9939 | 5 x 100 mL |
AM9938 | 1 x 100 mL |
AM9930 | 1 x 500 mL |
AM9937 | 10 x 50 mL |
AM9932 | 1 x 1000 mL |
4387936 | 4 x 1000 mL |
Nuclease-free Water (not DEPC-treated) has been deionized, filtered into the final bottle, and autoclaved. It is ready to use and requires no preparation, mixing, or autoclaving. This nuclease-free water is rigorously tested for contaminating nonspecific endonuclease, exonuclease, and RNase activity.
Using Nuclease-free Water
Because this water is not DEPC-treated, it is recommended for applications for which residual DEPC might prove detrimental (e.g., oocyte microinjection).