Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog Number | Description | For Use With (Equipment) |
BRE0013184 | Teledyne CETAC XLR-860 Autosampler for Aqueous Solutions | iCAP Series ICP-OES, iCAP Q/Qnova Series ICP-MS |
BRE0003260 | Teledyne CETAC ASX-560 Autosampler for Aqueous Solutions | iCE 3000 Series AA, iCAP Series ICP-OES, iCAP Q/Qnova Series ICP-MS, Element HR-ICP-MS |
BRE0007611 | Teledyne CETAC ASX-280 Autosampler for Aqueous Solutions | iCE 3000 Series AA, iCAP Series ICP-OES, iCAP Q/Qnova Series ICP-MS, Element HR-ICP-MS |
BRE0018963 | Teledyne CETAC ASX-7400 Stirring Autosampler for Oils and Coolant Samples | iCAP Series ICP-OES |
Accommodates up to 180 sample capacity for low to moderate sample throughput, compatible with:
Accommodates up to 360 samples for moderate to high sample throughput, compatible with:
Enables the unattended analysis of up to 720 samples, for laboratories looking to push the boundaries of unattended analysis, compatible with:
Incorporates automated liquid stirring to ensure sample homogeneity, for samples containing particulates in suspension such as wear metals applications, compatible with: