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Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog Number | Description | PlasmViewing |
BRE731407 | iCAP PRO XPS ICP-OES Duo | Vertical Radial |
BRE731406 | iCAP PRO XPS ICP-OES Radial | Vertical Radial |
A benchtop simultaneous ICP spectrometer with a vertical torch, purged echelle polychromator and Charge Injection Device (CID) array detector. The standard configuration includes:
iCAP PRO Series ICP-OES has ACT label certification
Reduce your lab's environmental impact with the iCAP PRO Series ICP-OES, recipient of the ACT label from My Green Lab. The ACT Environmental Impact Factor Label is the world's premier eco-label for laboratory products. The program ensures Accountability, Consistency, and Transparency in the reporting of environmental impact data to enable sustainable laboratory procurement. It was designed by both scientists and procurement specialists to provide clear, third-party verified information about the sustainability profile of laboratory products. By providing needed transparency around manufacturing, energy and water use, packaging, and end-of-life impacts, ACT makes it easy to choose environmentally preferable products and reduce the carbon impact of laboratory supply chains.