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Catalog Number | Color | No. of Reactions |
F556L | Green | 500 Reactions |
F556S | Green | 100 Reactions |
F555L | Colorless | 500 Reactions |
F555S | Colorless | 100 Reactions |
In addition to the uracil usage possibility, Phusion U polymerase features all the superior properties of other Phusion DNA polymerases: great accuracy, speed, ability to amplify long amplicons up to 20 kb, and a high specificity with Affibody-based hot start. These features make Phusion U Hot Start DNA Polymerase an excellent choice for such important applications as amplification of bisulphite-converted or damaged DNA as well as use of carryover contamination control.
Phusion U Hot Start Green DNA Polymerase is a combination of Phusion U Hot Start DNA Polymerase and 5X Phusion Green buffers. The buffers include a density reagent and two tracking dyes for direct loading of PCR products on a gel. The colored buffer does not interfere with Phusion U polymerase performance and is compatible with downstream applications such as DNA sequencing, ligation, and restriction digestion.
Using Phusion DNA polymerases
Annealing rules for Phusion DNA Polymerases are different from many common DNA polymerases (such as Taq DNA polymerases).