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Advanced Features
Capillary column can be inserted directly into the lightpipe, eliminating component degradation and peak broadening in the transfer line
Gold-coated lightpipe with long pathlength and small inside diameter maximizes the infrared response for low nanogram sensitivity
Patented MCT-A detector contributes to the system's unmatched sensitivity and dependability
Pinned-inplace Smart detectors can be interchanged with the bench detector without alignment
Smart detectors, with a plug-and-play feature, provide instant recognition of the detector and its location
Smart detectors feature a patented mechanism to prevent the formation of ice on the detector element and provide an 18-hour liquid hold-time
Omnic Series Software
The GC-IR Interface uses Windows™-based OMNIC Series software for data collection and manipulation, incorporating the power and control needed to perform advanced GC functions with the simplicity of the OMNIC software interface.
Graphical user interface with point-and click operations makes the software extremely intuitive
Provides a real-time display of the Gram-Schmidt reconstruct, (IR Chromatogram) Chemigrams, and infrared spectra while data are being collected
Data are stored as multi-files, allowing all data in the set to be processed using a single software command
Single spectra or coadded regions can be extracted for compound identification by using our wide range of available vapor phase spectral libraries.
2-D contour and 3-D waterfall display of GC data provides enhanced processing capabilities for complex sample mixtures
Optics and Hardware
Baseplate: Precision-cast baseplate with Lock-in-Line connection to the right or left side of Nicolet FT-IR spectrometers, providing precise optical alignment of the GC-IR Interface
Optics: Efficient optical design using three mirrors to direct the collimated beam from the spectrometer, through the gold-coated lightpipe and onto the MCT-A detector located in the GC-IR Interface
Lightpipe: Gold-coated glass flow cell with gold-coated alloy end caps; lightpipe seals made of a high-temperature polymer capable of operating continuously at 325°C; low dead volume design (15cm length, 1.0mm ID) that produces the highest absorbance with minimal peak broadening
Transfer Lines: Stainless steel, glass-lined and thermally insulated; direct insertion of the GC column, which provides a totally inert passage of chromatographic components into the gold-coated lightpipe
Make-up Gas: The addition of an adjustable make-up gas controller to the GC oven to maintain linear velocity and chromatographic peak integrity within the lightpipe; make-up gas flow around the outside of the column, directing the column effluent throughout the lightpipe; typical flow: 0.20mL/min.
Temperature Control: Digital, solid-state temperature controllers for individual control of lightpipe and transfer line temperature; software selectable from ambient to 325°C°
Detector: Stainless steel; recommended: high-sensitivity MCT-A (range 11,700 to 600cm-1); optional: MCT-B (range 11,700 to 400cm-1); smart design with plug-and-play interchangeability with the detector position on the spectrometer with no alignment required; a proprietary mechanism feature to prevent the formation of ice on the detector element and provide an 18-hour liquid nitrogen hold-time
Performance Characteristics
Scan Speed: Able to collect, co-add up to 7 scans at 8cm-1 spectral resolution, process, display, and store to hard disk IR spectra and IR chromatograms in real-time in less than 1 second (with a minimum of a 400 MHz Pentium™ PC); production of spectra from double-sided interferograms for the highest signal-to-noise ratio
Peak–to–Peak Noise: Less than 1.0 × 10-4 Abs. peak-to-peak noise measured at 8cm-1 resolution with a 4-second collection time using the KBr beamsplitter, MCT-A detector, and lightpipe at 200°C
Compatible with:
GC Oven Compatibility: Interfaces to TRACE GC Ultra ovens; for compatibility with other GC ovens—please inquire