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Catalog Number | No. of Reactions |
K0491 | 10 Preps |
K0492 | 25 Preps |
Thermo Scientific GeneJET Plasmid Maxiprep Kit, sufficient for 25 preps, utilizes silica-based membrane technology in the form of convenient spin column. Each prep recovers up to 750 μg of high copy plasmid DNA that can be used in a wide variety of molecular biology procedures, such as restriction endonuclease digestion, PCR, cloning, transformation, automated sequencing, in vitro transcription, and transfection of robust cell lines.
• Efficient—high yields up to 750 μg of high quality plasmid DNA from 250 mL of bacterial culture
• High concentration of DNA purified— >400 ng/μL
• Convenient—spin column format, centrifuge or vacuum protocols
• Fast—procedure takes 60 minutes, considerably faster than using gravity flow columns
Isolated plasmid DNA is suitable for all conventional molecular biology procedures, including:
• Transfection of robust cell lines
• FastDigest restriction enzyme digestion
• Automated fluorescent sequencing
• Cloning
• Transformation
• In vitro transcription