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Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog Number | Quantity |
K0731 | 50 Preps |
K0732 | 250 Preps |
Thermo Scientific GeneJET RNA Purification Kit is a simple and efficient system for purification of total RNA from mammalian cultured cells, tissue, human blood cells, bacteria, and yeast.
The kit utilizes a silica-based membrane technology in the form of a convenient spin column, eliminating the need for tedious cesium chloride gradients, alcohol precipitation, or toxic phenol-chloroform extractions.
RNA molecules longer than 200 nucleotides can be isolated with the GeneJET RNA Purification Kit in 15 minutes after the lysis step. The high-quality purified RNA can be used in a wide range of downstream applications, including RT-PCR, RT-qPCR, Northern blotting, and other RNA-based analyses.
• Universal—can be used for both cell and tissue samples from a wide range of sources: mammalian blood, mammalian cell cultures, mammalian tissues, insect, yeast, and bacteria
• Efficient—high yields of total RNA.
• Fast—15 minutes after lysis step
• Pure—an A260/280 ratio > 1.9
• Convenient—spin columns are capped and assembled with collection tubes
Fast extraction of high purity RNA suitable for all conventional molecular biology procedures, including:
• Northern blotting
• Nuclease protection assay
Proteinase K Lysis Buffer, Wash Buffer 1 (concentrated), Wash Buffer 2 (concentrated), Nuclease-free Water, GeneJET RNA Purification Columns (pre-assembled with Collection Tubes), Collection Tubes (2 mL), Collection Tubes (1.5 mL), Detailed Protocol