Monkey (cynomolgus) Cryopreserved Hepatocytes, Plateable Male
Monkey (cynomolgus) Cryopreserved Hepatocytes, Plateable Male
These plateable cryopreserved male Cynomolgus Monkey hepatocytes have been characterized for general Phase I and Phase II drug metabolizing enzymeRead more
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Catalog number MKCP10
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Monkey (cynomolgus) Cryopreserved Hepatocytes, Plateable Male
Catalog numberMKCP10
Price (USD)/ Each
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These plateable cryopreserved male Cynomolgus Monkey hepatocytes have been characterized for general Phase I and Phase II drug metabolizing enzyme activities.
Cells per vial: 4-8 million
Get the Results You Need with GIBCO Hepatocytes High quality hepatocytes, with high viabilities, proper cell morphology, and metabolic activity increase the ability to draw in vitro⁄in vivo correlations and make sound decisions regarding a compound's fate. Experienced technicians and proprietary isolation techniques combined with stringent release specifications ensure you receive the highest quality cryopreserved hepatocytes.
Each lot is tested for: • 75% ≤ viability • Attachment efficiency • Monolayer formation and integrity • 80% ≤ confluency on Day 5 • Phase I and II enzyme activities