Phenom ParticleX Steel Desktop SEM
Phenom ParticleX Steel Desktop SEM
Thermo Scientific™

Phenom ParticleX Steel Desktop SEM

Combined SEM imaging and EDS analysis for inclusion, fault, and failure analysis in steel manufacturing.
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Catalog number PARTICLEX-STEEL
Price (USD)/ Each
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The Phenom ParticleX Steel Desktop SEM is a combined SEM imaging and EDS analysis instrument for quality control in steel manufacturing, with industry-specific software designed to quickly and easily provide high-quality data for inclusion, fault, and failure analysis.
Key Benefits

Designed for stability and atomic resolution imaging

  • Versatility—SEM and EDS integrated into one instrument to meet all needs in a steel plant.
  • Ease of use—New operators should be able to produce quality data with minimal training.
  • Industry-specific software—Operation is further simplified, providing practical insight on common inclusions.
  • High brightness—The CeB6 source enables characterization of sub-micrometer inclusions.
  • Future-proof—Once you are comfortable with the tool, modify initial protocols to meet your specific analytical needs.
Unit SizeEach