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Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog Number | Tube Current Operational Range |
PXS5925 | 0 – 180 µA |
PXS5-822 | 0 – 178 µA |
PXS5-928 | 0 – 160 µA |
Thermo Scientific™ PXS5 Microfocus X-Ray Sources provide an economic, high-performance solution for manual and automated inspection and testing, combining microfocus spot size with high stability and limited energy/power. Available with either a digital or analogue interface they are particularly suitable for imaging PCBs (printed circuit boards), semi-conductor devices and other electronic components; alternative applications include fluoroscopy and quality control for dental prosthetics. PXS5 X-Ray Sources are compact and fully integrated with alternative models delivering design flexibility. Choose the maximum voltage and configuration needed to match application requirements.
PXS5 Microfocus X-Ray Sources are ideal for enabling high resolution, low intensity, cost-efficient imaging in an integrated, compact solution. Key features include: