Accessories and Upgrade Kits for Varioskan LUX Multimode Microplate Reader
Accessories and Upgrade Kits for Varioskan LUX Multimode Microplate Reader
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Thermo Scientific™

Accessories and Upgrade Kits for Varioskan LUX Multimode Microplate Reader

Various accessories for use with the Varioskan™ LUX Multimode Microplate Reader.
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Catalog NumberProduct Type
VLUPL0002Luminometric Upgrade Kit
N16443Storage holder for plate adapters
N16484Emission Filter Pick-up Tool
VLUPA003AlphaScreen upgrade kit
VLUPD005Dispenser Upgrade Kit
VLUPT004TRF Upgrade Kit
2805690Aspirate tube assembly for a dispenser
F42550Emission Filter
N02339Robotic plate tray adapter for plates without lid
N02690384-well adapter for plate without lid
N02691384-well adapter for plate with lid
N0269296-well adapter for plate without lid
N0269396-well adapter for plate with lid
N026966-48-well adapter for plate without lid
N026976-48-well adapter for plate with lid
N03078Universal plate tray for plates without lid
N03079Robotic plate tray for plates with and without lids
N0339596-well adapter for PCR plate without lid
N062101536-well adapter for 10 mm plate without lid
SP-00094Dispensing tube assembly for a dispenser
SP-00096Dispenser syringe, 1 mL
SP-00720Microplate package for Varioskan LUX IQ/OQ
N16308SLiquid Protection Tray
VLUPLA06Upgrade kit for luminometry and AlphaScreen
VLUPLT07Upgrade kit for luminometry and TRF
VLUPLAT08Upgrade kit for luminometry, AlphaScreen and TRF
VLUPD209Upgrade kit for two dispensers
Catalog number VLUPL0002
Price (USD)/ Each
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Product Type:
Luminometric Upgrade Kit

Thermo Scientific™ Varioskan™ LUX multimode microplate reader is a versatile tool for busy labs equipped with a flexible range of measurement technologies including Absorbance, Fluorescence Intensity, Luminescence, AlphaScreen, and Time-Resolved Fluorescence. You can configure the instrument to your needs, and when your research focus changes, just upgrade the instrument with service installable upgrade kits. Various plate adapters and other accessories helps you to optimize your assays.

Varioskan LUX is a modular instrument, you can upgrade it with missing features later.
  • Installation of the upgrade kits must be carried out by trained and authorized service personnel.
  • For TRF and/or AlphaScreen technology upgrades, the instrument must be equipped with a luminescence module.
  • TRF and/or AlphaScreen technology upgrades include excitation filters but not emission filters. Please order emission filters separately.
  • Please contact your local representative to discuss about the instrument upgrade option
Plate adapters are used for adapting plates that are of different heights.
  • Adapters adjust the plates to the optimum height for measuring and dispensing.
  • Choose the adapter based on the plate format in use and whether the lid is needed or not.
There are two types of plate trays: universal and robotic.
  • The universal plate tray is for basic use and it is compatible with all plate formats (6- to 1536-well plates).
  • A robotic plate tray is for automated use with robots and is compatible with 96- to 1536-well plate formats.

If the dispensers are in frequent use, it is recommended to replace the aspirate and dispensing tubings once a year.
Product TypeLuminometric Upgrade Kit
For Use With (Equipment)Varioskan LUX Microplate Reader
Product LineVarioskan™
Unit SizeEach