Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Search Thermo Fisher Scientific
Catalog Number | Product Type |
VLUPL0002 | Luminometric Upgrade Kit |
N16443 | Storage holder for plate adapters |
N16484 | Emission Filter Pick-up Tool |
VLUPA003 | AlphaScreen upgrade kit |
VLUPD005 | Dispenser Upgrade Kit |
VLUPT004 | TRF Upgrade Kit |
2805690 | Aspirate tube assembly for a dispenser |
F42550 | Emission Filter |
N02339 | Robotic plate tray adapter for plates without lid |
N02690 | 384-well adapter for plate without lid |
N02691 | 384-well adapter for plate with lid |
N02692 | 96-well adapter for plate without lid |
N02693 | 96-well adapter for plate with lid |
N02696 | 6-48-well adapter for plate without lid |
N02697 | 6-48-well adapter for plate with lid |
N03078 | Universal plate tray for plates without lid |
N03079 | Robotic plate tray for plates with and without lids |
N03395 | 96-well adapter for PCR plate without lid |
N06210 | 1536-well adapter for 10 mm plate without lid |
SP-00094 | Dispensing tube assembly for a dispenser |
SP-00096 | Dispenser syringe, 1 mL |
SP-00720 | Microplate package for Varioskan LUX IQ/OQ |
N16308S | Liquid Protection Tray |
VLUPLA06 | Upgrade kit for luminometry and AlphaScreen |
VLUPLT07 | Upgrade kit for luminometry and TRF |
VLUPLAT08 | Upgrade kit for luminometry, AlphaScreen and TRF |
VLUPD209 | Upgrade kit for two dispensers |
Thermo Scientific™ Varioskan™ LUX multimode microplate reader is a versatile tool for busy labs equipped with a flexible range of measurement technologies including Absorbance, Fluorescence Intensity, Luminescence, AlphaScreen, and Time-Resolved Fluorescence. You can configure the instrument to your needs, and when your research focus changes, just upgrade the instrument with service installable upgrade kits. Various plate adapters and other accessories helps you to optimize your assays.