Title Authors Journal Volume (Year)
Atf4 regulates chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation during endochondral ossification by activating Ihh transcription. Wang W, et. al. Development 136 (2009)
Defective proteoglycan sulfation of the growth plate zones causes reduced chondrocyte proliferation via an altered Indian hedgehog signalling. Gualeni B, et. al. Matrix Biol 29 (2010)
Lgr5 marks cycling, yet long-lived, hair follicle stem cells. Jaks V, et. al. Nat Genet 40 (2008)
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The output of Hedgehog signaling is controlled by the dynamic association between Suppressor of Fused and the Gli proteins. Humke EW, et. al. Genes Dev 24 (2010)
Smad4-dependent desmoglein-4 expression contributes to hair follicle integrity. Owens P, et. al. Dev Biol 322 (2008)
An essential role for dermal primary cilia in hair follicle morphogenesis. Lehman JM, et. al. J Invest Dermatol 129 (2009)
GLI1 is regulated through Smoothened-independent mechanisms in neoplastic pancreatic ducts and mediates PDAC cell survival and transformation. Nolan-Stevaux O, et. al. Genes Dev 23 (2009)
Urothelial sonic hedgehog signaling plays an important role in bladder smooth muscle formation. Shiroyanagi Y, et. al. Differentiation 75 (2007)
Stage-dependent Olig2 expression in motor neurons and oligodendrocytes differentiated from embryonic stem cells. Shin S, et. al. Stem Cells Dev 16 (2007)