Product Details

Assay Type
NCBI dbSNP Submissions
Chr.19:40845264 on Build GRCh38
Set Membership
DME Validated Inventoried
Context Sequence [VIC/FAM]
MIM: 122720
C/T, Transition substitution
Allele Nomenclature
CYP2A6*12B,g.5163G>A CYP2A6*12C,g.5163G>A CYP2A6*17,g.5163G>A
Literature Links
CYP2A6 PubMed Links
Additional Information
The CYP2A6 gene exhibits copy number variation. Individuals may carry deletion alleles or extra copies of CYP2A6. CYP2A6 SNP genotyping assays run on samples lacking CYP2A6 genes will not amplify, homozygous samples having 1 or more gene copies typically cluster together, and heterozygous samples with more than 2 copies may run between the 2 copy heterozygous and homozygous genotype clusters. In addition, some relatively rare CYP2A6 alleles contain CYP2A7 pseudogene sequences. For accurate CYP2A6 genotype analysis, copy number analysis must be done. For more information, refer to the PGx Experiments User Guide (Pub. # MAN0009612) Chapter 2 Copy Number Variation section.
For this assay, SNP(s) [rs60286635] are located under a probe sequence. To help evaluate the possible impact of a given SNP on your experiment, please refer to the 1000 Genomes and NCBI dbSNP databases. A higher minor allele frequency in your study population represents a higher risk to assay performance.

Gene Details

Gene Name
cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily A member 6
Transcript Accession SNP Location SNP Type Codon Change Amino Acid Change Protein ID
NM_000762.5 Intron NP_000753.3

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