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The silencing mediator of retinoic acid and thyroid hormone receptor (SMRT) corepressor is required for full estrogen receptor alpha transcriptional activity. Peterson TJ, et. al. Mol Cell Biol 27 (2007)
Bax, Bak and mitochondrial oxidants are involved in hypoxia-reoxygenation-induced apoptosis in human placenta. Hung TH, et. al. Placenta 29 (2008)
The role of Bcl-x(L) protein in nucleotide excision repair-facilitated cell protection against cisplatin-induced apoptosis. Lomonaco SL, et. al. Dna Cell Biol 28 (2009)
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1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 enhances the apoptotic activity of MDM2 antagonist nutlin-3a in acute myeloid leukemia cells expressing wild-type p53. Thompson T, et. al. Mol Cancer Ther 9 (2010)
Cyclin-dependent kinase 1 inhibitor RO-3306 enhances p53-mediated Bax activation and mitochondrial apoptosis in AML. Kojima K, et. al. Cancer Sci 100 (2009)
Differential effects of concomitant use of vitamins C and E on trophoblast apoptosis and autophagy between normoxia and hypoxia-reoxygenation. Hung TH, et. al. Plos One 5 (2010)
Gene expression analysis of immunostained endothelial cells isolated from formaldehyde-fixated paraffin embedded tumors using laser capture microdissection--a technical report. Kaneko T, et. al. Microsc Res Tech 72 (2009)
eIF4E activation is commonly elevated in advanced human prostate cancers and significantly related to reduced patient survival. Graff JR, et. al. Cancer Res 69 (2009)
Molecular markers implicating early malignant events in cervical carcinogenesis. Koskimaa HM, et. al. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 19 (2010)
IFNgamma restores breast cancer sensitivity to fulvestrant by regulating STAT1, IFN regulatory factor 1, NF-kappaB, BCL2 family members, and signaling to caspase-dependent apoptosis. Ning Y, et. al. Mol Cancer Ther 9 (2010)
Co-inhibition of BCL-W and BCL2 restores antiestrogen sensitivity through BECN1 and promotes an autophagy-associated necrosis. Crawford AC, et. al. Plos One 5 (2010)