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Alterations in gene regulation following inhibition of the striatum-enriched phosphodiesterase, PDE10A. Strick CA, et. al. Neuropharmacology 58 (2010)
Comparative analysis of gene expression changes mediated by individual constituents of hemozoin. Schrimpe AC, et. al. Chem Res Toxicol 22 (2009)
Leptin regulates chondrogenic differentiation in ATDC5 cell-line through JAK/STAT and MAPK pathways. Ben-Eliezer M, et. al. Endocrine 32 (2007)
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Tenascin-C induction by cyclic strain requires integrin-linked kinase. Maier S, et. al. Biochim Biophys Acta 1783 (2008)
ErbB activity links the glucagon-like peptide-2 receptor to refeeding-induced adaptation in the murine small bowel. Bahrami J, et. al. Gastroenterology 138 (2010)
Tough beginnings: alterations in the transcriptome of cloned embryos during the first two cell cycles. Vassena R, et. al. Dev Biol 304 (2007)
Long-term depression activates transcription of immediate early transcription factor genes: involvement of serum response factor/Elk-1. Lindecke A, et. al. Eur J Neurosci 24 (2006)
BHLHB2 controls Bdnf promoter 4 activity and neuronal excitability. Jiang X, et. al. J Neurosci 28 (2008)
Control of the establishment of aversive memory by calcineurin and Zif268. Baumgartel K, et. al. Nat Neurosci 11 (2008)
The influence of diesel exhaust on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-induced DNA damage, gene expression, and tumor initiation in Sencar mice in vivo. Courter LA, et. al. Cancer Lett 265 (2008)