Panel Description

The TGFβ BMP Signaling Pathway array profiles genes involved in TGFβ / BMP-mediated signal transduction, cytokines, receptors as well as downstream cellular and developmental processes. SMAD genes, their target genes and related adhesion, extracellular molecules and transcription factors are also covered.


Acta2, Acvr1, Acvrl1, Agt, Aipl1, Ar, Atf3, Atf4, Bach1, Bcl2l1, Bdnf, Bhlhe40, Cdc6, Cebpb, Creb1, Crebbp, Cryab, Ctnnb1, Dnaja1, E2f5, Emp1, Eng, Ep300, Ephb2, Fn1, Fos, Furin, Gadd45b, Gli2, Gtf2i, Herpud1, Hes1, Hey1, Hmox1, Id1, Id2, Id3, Ifrd1, Il10, Klf10, LOC100909544, LOC100910771, Mapk14, Mapk8, Mbd1, Mmp2, M...
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18s rRNA, Actb, B2m, Gapdh, Gusb, Hmbs, Hprt1, Pgk1, Rplp0, Rplp2, Tbp, Tfrc, Ubc


Ppia, Ywhaz

Supported Applied Biosystems Instruments

7500 Real-Time PCR System , ViiA™ 7 System , 7900HT Real-Time PCR System , QuantStudio™ 12K Flex System , QuantStudio™ 7 Flex System , QuantStudio™ 6 Flex System , QuantStudio™ 5 System , QuantStudio™ 3 System