Panel Description

The Nitric Oxide Signaling Pathway array covers genes whereby their expression or signalling is controlled by the second messenger nitric oxide - including genes that are induced or repressed. Also included are genes involved in nitric oxide biosynthesis, superoxide metabolism and responses to oxidative stress.


Aass, Als2, Apoe, Bax, Bcl2l1, Calm1, Capns1, Cat, Cav1, Ccnd1, Ccng1, Ccs, Cd151, Clcf1, Ctsb, Cyba, Ddah1, Ddah2, Dlg4, Dynll1, Egr1, Epx, Ercc2, Fas, Fos, Gab1, Gpx1, Gpx2, Gpx3, Gpx4, Gpx5, Gpx6, Gpx7, Grin1, Hmgb1, Hpn, Idh1, Irgm1, Mdm2, Med4, Mpo, Myc, Ncf2, Nedd1, Nos1, Nos2, Nos3, Nox1, Nox4, Noxa1, Noxo1, Nud...
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18s rRNA, Actb, B2m, Gapdh, Gusb, Hmbs, Hprt, Ipo8, Pgk1, Rplp2, Tbp, Tfrc, Ubc, Ywhaz


Polr2a, Ppia

Supported Applied Biosystems Instruments

7500 Real-Time PCR System , ViiA™ 7 System , 7900HT Real-Time PCR System , QuantStudio™ 12K Flex System , QuantStudio™ 7 Flex System , QuantStudio™ 6 Flex System , QuantStudio™ 5 System , QuantStudio™ 3 System