Title Authors Journal Volume (Year)
Proteomic analysis of peripheral leukocytes in Alzheimer's disease patients treated with divalproex sodium. Mhyre TR, et. al. Neurobiol Aging 29 (2008)
Cold-inducible RNA-binding protein bypasses replicative senescence in primary cells through extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 and 2 activation. Artero-Castro A, et. al. Mol Cell Biol 29 (2009)
ING2 is upregulated in colon cancer and increases invasion by enhanced MMP13 expression. Kumamoto K, et. al. Int J Cancer 125 (2009)
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Microarray profiling of gene expression in human adipocytes in response to anthocyanins. Tsuda T, et. al. Biochem Pharmacol 71 (2006)
SIRT1 mRNA expression may be associated with energy expenditure and insulin sensitivity. Rutanen J, et. al. Diabetes 59 (2010)
The synthetic liver X receptor agonist GW3965 reduces tissue factor production and inflammatory responses in human islets in vitro. Scholz H, et. al. Diabetologia 52 (2009)
Selective inhibition of B lymphocytes in TBTC-treated human bone marrow long-term culture. Carfi' M, et. al. Toxicology 276 (2010)
Chronic nicotine stimulation modulates the immune response of mucosal T cells to Th1-dominant pattern via nAChR by upregulation of Th1-specific transcriptional factor. Kikuchi H, et. al. Neurosci Lett 432 (2008)
Side population purified from hepatocellular carcinoma cells harbors cancer stem cell-like properties. Chiba T, et. al. Hepatology 44 (2006)
ERK2 protein regulates the proliferation of human mesenchymal stem cells without affecting their mobilization and differentiation potential. Carcamo-Orive I, et. al. Exp Cell Res 314 (2008)
Detection of cell-free ERCC1 and thymidylate synthase (TS) mRNA in malignant effusions and its association with anticancer drug sensitivity. Wang L, et. al. Anticancer Res 28 (2008)
Up-regulation of the interferon-inducible IFI16 gene by oxidative stress triggers p53 transcriptional activity in endothelial cells. Gugliesi F, et. al. J Leukoc Biol 77 (2005)
Normal myogenesis and increased apoptosis in myotonic dystrophy type-1 muscle cells. Loro E, et. al. Cell Death Differ 17 (2010)
Characterisation of cadmium chloride induced molecular and functional alterations in airway epithelial cells. Forti E, et. al. Cell Physiol Biochem 25 (2010)
RNA interference mediated in human primary cells via recombinant baculoviral vectors. Nicholson LJ, et. al. Mol Ther 11 (2005)
Absence of OCT4 expression in somatic tumor cell lines. Cantz T, et. al. Stem Cells 26 (2008)
Disturbed expression of phase I and phase II estrogen-metabolizing enzymes in endometrial cancer: lower levels of CYP1B1 and increased expression of S-COMT. Hevir N, et. al. Mol Cell Endocrinol 331 (2011)
Omega-3 fatty acids regulate gene expression levels differently in subjects carrying the PPARalpha L162V polymorphism. Rudkowska I, et. al. Genes Nutr 4 (2009)
Growth delay of human pancreatic cancer cells by methylase inhibitor 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine treatment is associated with activation of the interferon signalling pathway. Missiaglia E, et. al. Oncogene 24 (2005)
Association between KCNJ6 (GIRK2) gene polymorphisms and postoperative analgesic requirements after major abdominal surgery. Nishizawa D, et. al. Plos One 4 (2009)
Ku70 predicts response and primary tumor recurrence after therapy in locally advanced head and neck cancer. Pavon MA, et. al. Int J Cancer 123 (2008)
Cloning and functional characterization of human sodium-dependent organic anion transporter (SLC10A6). Geyer J, et. al. J Biol Chem 282 (2007)
Identification of potential therapeutic targets in malignant mesothelioma using cell-cycle gene expression analysis. Romagnoli S, et. al. Am J Pathol 174 (2009)
Hypermethylated MAL gene - a silent marker of early colon tumorigenesis. Lind GE, et. al. J Transl Med 6 (2008)
The carbon monoxide releasing molecule (CORM-3) inhibits expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and E-selectin independently of haem oxygenase-1 expression. Song H, et. al. Br J Pharmacol 157 (2009)
Wound-healing gene family expression differences between fetal and foreskin cells used for bioengineered skin substitutes. Hirt-Burri N, et. al. Artif Organs 32 (2008)
DLX5 (distal-less homeobox 5) promotes tumor cell proliferation by transcriptionally regulating MYC. Xu J, et. al. J Biol Chem 284 (2009)
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor in acute lung injury: expression, biomarker, and associations. Gao L, et. al. Transl Res 150 (2007)
Regulation of HMG-CoA reductase in MCF-7 cells by genistein, EPA, and DHA, alone and in combination with mevastatin. Duncan RE, et. al. Cancer Lett 224 (2005)
Cis-dichlorodiammineplatinum upregulates angiotensin II type 1 receptors through reactive oxygen species generation and enhances VEGF production in bladder cancer. Tanaka N, et. al. Mol Cancer Ther 9 (2010)
Calcium dependent and independent cytokine synthesis by air pollution particle-exposed human bronchial epithelial cells. Sakamoto N, et. al. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 225 (2007)
Oxaliplatin activity in selected and unselected human ovarian and colorectal cancer cell lines. Noordhuis P, et. al. Biochem Pharmacol 76 (2008)
Cloning and molecular characterization of the orphan carrier protein Slc10a4: expression in cholinergic neurons of the rat central nervous system. Geyer J, et. al. Neuroscience 152 (2008)
Proliferation, behavior, and cytokine gene expression of human umbilical vascular endothelial cells in response to different titanium surfaces. An N, et. al. J Biomed Mater Res A 93 (2010)
Differential disruption of cell cycle pathways in small cell and non-small cell lung cancer. Coe BP, et. al. Br J Cancer 94 (2006)
Overexpression of SMYD2 relates to tumor cell proliferation and malignant outcome of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Komatsu S, et. al. Carcinogenesis 30 (2009)
Effect of natural commensal-origin DNA on toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) signaling cascade, chemokine IL-8 expression, and barrier integritiy of polarized intestinal epithelial cells. Ghadimi D, et. al. Inflamm Bowel Dis 16 (2010)
Effects of high glucose concentration on the barrier function and the expression of tight junction proteins in human retinal pigment epithelial cells. Villarroel M, et. al. Exp Eye Res 89 (2009)
Adjuvant activity on murine and human macrophages. Quesniaux V, et. al. Methods Mol Biol 626 (2010)
Inhibition of proteasomal degradation of Mcl-1 by cobalt chloride suppresses cobalt chloride-induced apoptosis in HCT116 colorectal cancer cells. Lee M, et. al. Apoptosis 13 (2008)
The let-7 family of microRNAs inhibits Bcl-xL expression and potentiates sorafenib-induced apoptosis in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Shimizu S, et. al. J Hepatol 52 (2010)
Adenosine A1 receptor protein levels and activity is increased in the cerebral cortex in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease and in bovine spongiform encephalopathy-infected bovine-PrP mice. Rodriguez A, et. al. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 65 (2006)
Multiple signaling pathways contribute to synergistic TLR ligand-dependent cytokine gene expression in human monocyte-derived macrophages and dendritic cells. Makela SM, et. al. J Leukoc Biol 85 (2009)
The Ras effectors NORE1A and RASSF1A are frequently inactivated in pheochromocytoma and abdominal paraganglioma. Geli J, et. al. Endocr Relat Cancer 14 (2007)
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 clade B and C Tat differentially induce indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase and serotonin in immature dendritic cells: Implications for neuroAIDS. Samikkannu T, et. al. J Neurovirol 16 (2010)
Adipocyte differentiation in human embryonic stem cells transduced with Oct4 shRNA lentivirus. Hannan NR, et. al. Stem Cells Dev 18 (2009)
Rosiglitazone increases indexes of stearoyl-CoA desaturase activity in humans: link to insulin sensitization and the role of dominant-negative mutation in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma. Riserus U, et. al. Diabetes 54 (2005)
Identification and molecular characterization of six novel mutations in the UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphotransferase gamma subunit (GNPTG) gene in patients with mucolipidosis III gamma. Persichetti E, et. al. Hum Mutat 30 (2009)
Brain tau expression and correlation with the H1/H1 tau genotype in frontotemporal lobar degeneration patients. Llado A, et. al. J Neural Transm 114 (2007)
The experimental chemotherapeutic N6-furfuryladenosine (kinetin-riboside) induces rapid ATP depletion, genotoxic stress, and CDKN1A(p21) upregulation in human cancer cell lines. Cabello CM, et. al. Biochem Pharmacol 77 (2009)
Proinflammatory cytokines induce hyaluronan synthesis and monocyte adhesion in human endothelial cells through hyaluronan synthase 2 (HAS2) and the nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) pathway. Vigetti D, et. al. J Biol Chem 285 (2010)
N(epsilon)-carboxymethyllysine-modified proteins are unable to bind to RAGE and activate an inflammatory response. Buetler TM, et. al. Mol Nutr Food Res 52 (2008)
In vitro evaluation of the toxicity induced by nickel soluble and particulate forms in human airway epithelial cells. Forti E, et. al. Toxicol In Vitro  (2010)
Differential effects of HIV type 1 clade B and clade C Tat protein on expression of proinflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokines by primary monocytes. Gandhi N, et. al. Aids Res Hum Retroviruses 25 (2009)
Down-regulation of RNA editing in pediatric astrocytomas: ADAR2 editing activity inhibits cell migration and proliferation. Cenci C, et. al. J Biol Chem 283 (2008)
Gene expression of ferredoxin reductase predicts outcome in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer treated by 5-fluorouracil plus leucovorin. Ichikawa W, et. al. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 58 (2006)
Tau and saitohin gene expression pattern in progressive supranuclear palsy. Ezquerra M, et. al. Brain Res 1145 (2007)
Downregulation of EZH2 decreases growth of estrogen receptor-negative invasive breast carcinoma and requires BRCA1. Gonzalez ME, et. al. Oncogene 28 (2009)
HB-EGF/HER-1 signaling in bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells: inducing cell expansion and reversibly preventing multilineage differentiation. Krampera M, et. al. Blood 106 (2005)
Increased expressions of cannabinoid receptor-1 and transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 in human prostate carcinoma. Czifra G, et. al. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 135 (2009)
Ataxin-2 interacts with the DEAD/H-box RNA helicase DDX6 and interferes with P-bodies and stress granules. Nonhoff U, et. al. Mol Biol Cell 18 (2007)
Oncostatin m renders epithelial cell adhesion molecule-positive liver cancer stem cells sensitive to 5-Fluorouracil by inducing hepatocytic differentiation. Yamashita T, et. al. Cancer Res 70 (2010)
Immunization-induced perturbation of human blood plasma cell pool: progressive maturation, IL-6 responsiveness, and high PRDI-BF1/BLIMP1 expression are critical distinctions between antigen-specific and nonspecific plasma cells. Gonzalez-Garcia I, et. al. J Immunol 176 (2006)
Differences in the inducible gene expression and protein production of IL-12p40, IL-12p70 and IL-23: involvement of p38 and JNK kinase pathways. Dobreva ZG, et. al. Cytokine 43 (2008)
Gene expression profiles of head and neck carcinomas from Sudanese and Norwegian patients reveal common biological pathways regardless of race and lifestyle. Dysvik B, et. al. Clin Cancer Res 12 (2006)
Transcription factor Spi-B binds unique sequences present in the tandem repeat promoter/enhancer of JC virus and supports viral activity. Marshall LJ, et. al. J Gen Virol 91 (2010)
TaqMan PCR assay in the control of RNA normalization in human post-mortem brain tissue. Barrachina M, et. al. Neurochem Int 49 (2006)
Mutations in sodium channel beta1- and beta2-subunits associated with atrial fibrillation. Watanabe H, et. al. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol 2 (2009)
Alterations of DNA methylation and histone modifications contribute to gene silencing in hepatocellular carcinomas. Kondo Y, et. al. Hepatol Res 37 (2007)
Genetic association between the PRKCH gene encoding protein kinase Ceta isozyme and rheumatoid arthritis in the Japanese population. Takata Y, et. al. Arthritis Rheum 56 (2007)
Irbesartan inhibits advanced glycation end product (AGE)-induced proximal tubular cell injury in vitro by suppressing receptor for AGEs (RAGE) expression. Matsui T, et. al. Pharmacol Res 61 (2010)
The candidate tumor suppressor CST6 alters the gene expression profile of human breast carcinoma cells: down-regulation of the potent mitogenic, motogenic, and angiogenic factor autotaxin. Song J, et. al. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 340 (2006)
Genome wide profiling of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), their derivatives and embryonal carcinoma cells to develop base profiles of U.S. Federal government approved hESC lines. Liu Y, et. al. Bmc Dev Biol 6 (2006)
Identification of high and low responders to lipopolysaccharide in normal subjects: an unbiased approach to identify modulators of innate immunity. Wurfel MM, et. al. J Immunol 175 (2005)
Role of the mTOR Pathway in LPS-Activated Monocytes: Influence of Hypertonic Saline. Schaeffer V, et. al. J Surg Res  (2010)
Effects of Helicobacter pylori infection on gut appetite peptide (leptin, ghrelin) expression in elderly inpatients. Salles N, et. al. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 61 (2006)
Elevated GRIA1 mRNA expression in Layer II/III and V pyramidal cells of the DLPFC in schizophrenia. O'Connor JA, et. al. Schizophr Res 97 (2007)
Reference genes for quantitative real time PCR in UVB irradiated keratinocytes. Balogh A, et. al. J Photochem Photobiol B 93 (2008)
Nifedipine inhibits advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and their receptor (RAGE) interaction-mediated proximal tubular cell injury via peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma activation. Matsui T, et. al. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 398 (2010)
Lactic acid bacteria enhance autophagic ability of mononuclear phagocytes by increasing Th1 autophagy-promoting cytokine (IFN-gamma) and nitric oxide (NO) levels and reducing Th2 autophagy-restraining cytokines (IL-4 and IL-13) in response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen. Ghadimi D, et. al. Int Immunopharmacol 10 (2010)
The proliferation and differentiation of osteoblasts in co-culture with human umbilical vein endothelial cells: An improved analysis using fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Zhang Y, et. al. Cell Mol Biol Lett 15 (2010)
Lipoprotein lipase expression in livers of morbidly obese patients could be responsible for liver steatosis. Pardina E, et. al. Obes Surg 19 (2009)
Defining the role of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in the survival, proliferation, and self-renewal of human embryonic stem cells. Dravid G, et. al. Stem Cells 23 (2005)
GAS6/Mer axis regulates the homing and survival of the E2A/PBX1-positive B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia in the bone marrow niche. Shiozawa Y, et. al. Exp Hematol 38 (2010)
Molecular determinants of folate levels after leucovorin administration in colorectal cancer. Sadahiro S, et. al. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 65 (2010)
Novel dual targeting strategy with vandetanib induces tumor cell apoptosis and inhibits angiogenesis in malignant pleural mesothelioma cells expressing RET oncogenic rearrangement. Ogino H, et. al. Cancer Lett 265 (2008)
The expression of p16INK4a tumor suppressor is upregulated by human cytomegalovirus infection and required for optimal viral replication. Zannetti C, et. al. Virology 349 (2006)
The role of MMP7 and its cross-talk with the FAS/FASL system during the acquisition of chemoresistance to oxaliplatin. Almendro V, et. al. Plos One 4 (2009)
High radiosensitivity of germ cells in human male fetus. Lambrot R, et. al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 92 (2007)
Adult cell fate reprogramming: converting liver to pancreas. Meivar-Levy I, et. al. Methods Mol Biol 636 (2010)
Reptin52 expression during in vitro neural differentiation of human embryonic stem cells. Barthelery M, et. al. Neurosci Lett 452 (2009)
Use of organ culture to study the human fetal testis development: effect of retinoic acid. Lambrot R, et. al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 91 (2006)
The Bcl-w promoter is activated by beta-catenin/TCF4 in human colorectal carcinoma cells. Lapham A, et. al. Gene 432 (2009)
Gene expression profile for predicting survival in advanced-stage serous ovarian cancer across two independent datasets. Yoshihara K, et. al. Plos One 5 (2010)
Identification of overexpressed genes in frequently gained/amplified chromosome regions in multiple myeloma. Largo C, et. al. Haematologica 91 (2006)
Adenosine A2A receptors are up-regulated in Pick's disease frontal cortex. Albasanz JL, et. al. Brain Pathol 16 (2006)
Expression of Snail in upper urinary tract urothelial carcinoma: Prognostic significance and implications for tumor invasion. Kosaka T, et. al. Clin Cancer Res  (2010)
Transcription of the mitochondrial citrate carrier gene: role of SREBP-1, upregulation by insulin and downregulation by PUFA. Infantino V, et. al. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 356 (2007)
Sphingosylphosphorylcholine down-regulates filaggrin gene transcription through NOX5-based NADPH oxidase and cyclooxygenase-2 in human keratinocytes. Choi H, et. al. Biochem Pharmacol 80 (2010)
Imbalance of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma and adiponectin predisposes Kawasaki disease patients to developing atherosclerosis. Fukunaga H, et. al. Pediatr Int 52 (2010)
Changes in the expression of melatonin receptors induced by melatonin treatment in hepatocarcinoma HepG2 cells. Carbajo-Pescador S, et. al. J Pineal Res 47 (2009)
CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ T lymphocytes fail to suppress myelin basic protein-induced proliferation in patients with multiple sclerosis. Kumar M, et. al. J Neuroimmunol 180 (2006)
EGFR gene copy number alterations in primary cutaneous malignant melanomas are associated with poor prognosis. Rakosy Z, et. al. Int J Cancer 121 (2007)
Regulation of alpha7-nicotinic receptor subunit and alpha7-like gene expression in the prefrontal cortex of patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. De Luca V, et. al. Acta Psychiatr Scand 114 (2006)
ICAM-5 (telencephalin) gene expression in head and neck squamous carcinoma tumorigenesis and perineural invasion! Maruya SI, et. al. Oral Oncol 41 (2005)
Amyloid precursor protein promotes endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced cell death via C/EBP homologous protein-mediated pathway. Takahashi K, et. al. J Neurochem 109 (2009)
The synthetic melanocortin (CKPV)2 exerts broad anti-inflammatory effects in human neutrophils. Capsoni F, et. al. Peptides 28 (2007)
Differential effects of in vitro zinc treatment on gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells derived from young and elderly individuals. Mazzatti DJ, et. al. Rejuvenation Res 10 (2007)
The polycomb gene product BMI1 contributes to the maintenance of tumor-initiating side population cells in hepatocellular carcinoma. Chiba T, et. al. Cancer Res 68 (2008)
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors alpha, Beta, and gamma mRNA and protein expression in human fetal tissues. Abbott BD, et. al. Ppar Res 2010 (2010)
Up-regulation of adenosine receptors in the frontal cortex in Alzheimer's disease. Albasanz JL, et. al. Brain Pathol 18 (2008)
Endometrial TIMP-4 mRNA is expressed in the stroma, while TIMP-4 protein accumulates in the epithelium and is released to the uterine fluid. Pilka R, et. al. Mol Hum Reprod 12 (2006)
Involvement of angiotensin II in intestinal cholesterol absorption. Nakamura K, et. al. Pharmacol Res 61 (2010)
Inhibition of hypoxia inducible factor by phenethyl isothiocyanate. Wang XH, et. al. Biochem Pharmacol 78 (2009)
DNA Damage-Induced Modulation of GLUT3 Expression Is Mediated through p53-Independent Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase Signaling in HeLa Cells. Watanabe M, et. al. Mol Cancer Res 8 (2010)
Gene expressions of HMGI-C and HMGI(Y) are associated with stage and metastasis in colorectal cancer. Huang ML, et. al. Int J Colorectal Dis 24 (2009)
Effects of strength training with eccentric overload on muscle adaptation in male athletes. Friedmann-Bette B, et. al. Eur J Appl Physiol 108 (2010)
EGFR overexpression in malignant pleural mesothelioma. An immunohistochemical and molecular study with clinico-pathological correlations. Destro A, et. al. Lung Cancer 51 (2006)
Expression of estrogen receptor beta wt isoform (ERbeta1) and ERbetaDelta5 splice variant mRNAs in sporadic breast cancer. Mandusic V, et. al. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol 133 (2007)
MCF7 side population cells with characteristics of cancer stem/progenitor cells express the tumor antigen MUC1. Engelmann K, et. al. Cancer Res 68 (2008)
Identification of apoptosis-related PLZF target genes. Bernardo MV, et. al. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 359 (2007)
Impact of angiogenesis inhibition by sunitinib on tumor distribution of temozolomide. Zhou Q, et. al. Clin Cancer Res 14 (2008)
Expression of pendrin in benign and malignant human thyroid tissues. Skubis-Zegadlo J, et. al. Br J Cancer 93 (2005)
Mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase-1 in human breast cancer independently predicts prognosis and is repressed by doxorubicin. Rojo F, et. al. Clin Cancer Res 15 (2009)
Validation of suitable house keeping genes for hypoxia-cultured human chondrocytes. Foldager CB, et. al. Bmc Mol Biol 10 (2009)
Activation of the anaphase promoting complex by HTLV-1 tax leads to senescence. Kuo YL, et. al. Embo J 25 (2006)
Systems biology approach predicts immunogenicity of the yellow fever vaccine in humans. Querec TD, et. al. Nat Immunol 10 (2009)
Exendin-4 promotes liver cell proliferation and enhances the PDX-1-induced liver to pancreas transdifferentiation process. Aviv V, et. al. J Biol Chem 284 (2009)
S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase downregulation contributes to tumorigenesis. Leal JF, et. al. Carcinogenesis 29 (2008)
Upstream stimulatory factor-2 regulates steroidogenic factor-1 expression in endometriosis. Utsunomiya H, et. al. Mol Endocrinol 22 (2008)
Human CD14+ macrophages in intestinal lamina propria exhibit potent antigen-presenting ability. Kamada N, et. al. J Immunol 183 (2009)
Stem cell characteristics of amniotic epithelial cells. Miki T, et. al. Stem Cells 23 (2005)
Acetic acid upregulates the expression of genes for fatty acid oxidation enzymes in liver to suppress body fat accumulation. Kondo T, et. al. J Agric Food Chem 57 (2009)
CD154 tone sets the signaling pathways and transcriptome generated in model CD40-pluricompetent L3055 Burkitt's lymphoma cells. Stewart R, et. al. J Immunol 179 (2007)
Expression of ABCG2 (BCRP) is regulated by Nrf2 in cancer cells that confers side population and chemoresistance phenotype. Singh A, et. al. Mol Cancer Ther 9 (2010)
The organic cation transporters (OCT1, OCT2, EMT) and the plasma membrane monoamine transporter (PMAT) show differential distribution and cyclic expression pattern in human endometrium and early pregnancy decidua. Bottalico B, et. al. Mol Reprod Dev 74 (2007)
MDP-Induced selective tolerance to TLR4 ligands: impairment in NOD2 mutant Crohn's disease patients. Canto E, et. al. Inflamm Bowel Dis 15 (2009)
Identification of novel microRNA targets based on microRNA signatures in bladder cancer. Ichimi T, et. al. Int J Cancer 125 (2009)
Gene expression of tryptophan hydroxylase 2 in post-mortem brain of suicide subjects. De Luca V, et. al. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 9 (2006)
Up-regulation of human PNPase mRNA by beta-interferon has no effect on protein level in melanoma cell lines. Gewartowski K, et. al. Acta Biochim Pol 53 (2006)
Apolipoprotein A1 is overexpressed in the retina of diabetic patients. Simo R, et. al. Am J Ophthalmol 147 (2009)
Both copy number and sequence variations affect expression of human DEFB4. Groth M, et. al. Genes Immun 11 (2010)
GLO1 overexpression in human malignant melanoma. Bair WB 3rd, et. al. Melanoma Res 20 (2010)
Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) inhibits advanced glycation end product (AGE)-induced up-regulation of VCAM-1 mRNA levels in endothelial cells by suppressing AGE receptor (RAGE) expression. Ishibashi Y, et. al. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 391 (2010)
Irbesartan inhibits albumin-elicited proximal tubular cell apoptosis and injury in vitro. Matsui T, et. al. Protein Pept Lett 17 (2010)
Validation of endogenous controls for gene expression studies in peripheral lymphocytes from war veterans with and without PTSD. Brkljacic J, et. al. Bmc Mol Biol 11 (2010)
Three-dimensional perfusion bioreactor culture supports differentiation of human fetal liver cells. Schmelzer E, et. al. Tissue Eng Part A 16 (2010)
ADAMTS1, CRABP1, and NR3C1 identified as epigenetically deregulated genes in colorectal tumorigenesis. Lind GE, et. al. Cell Oncol 28 (2006)
Epigenetic mechanisms and Sp1 regulate mitochondrial citrate carrier gene expression. Iacobazzi V, et. al. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 376 (2008)
Annexin II/annexin II receptor axis regulates adhesion, migration, homing, and growth of prostate cancer. Shiozawa Y, et. al. J Cell Biochem 105 (2008)
Identification of proteins binding to E-Box/Ku86 sites and function of the tumor suppressor SAFB1 in transcriptional regulation of the human xanthine oxidoreductase gene. Lin J, et. al. J Biol Chem 283 (2008)
Gene expression analysis of human endometrial endothelial cells exposed to op'-DDT. Bredhult C, et. al. Mol Hum Reprod 14 (2008)
Impairment of double-strand breaks repair and aberrant splicing of ATM and MRE11 in leukemia-lymphoma cell lines with microsatellite instability. Ham MF, et. al. Cancer Sci 97 (2006)
The cinnamon-derived Michael acceptor cinnamic aldehyde impairs melanoma cell proliferation, invasiveness, and tumor growth. Cabello CM, et. al. Free Radic Biol Med 46 (2009)
Down-regulation of hedgehog-interacting protein through genetic and epigenetic alterations in human hepatocellular carcinoma. Tada M, et. al. Clin Cancer Res 14 (2008)
Effect of atorvastatin on PM10-induced cytokine production by human alveolar macrophages and bronchial epithelial cells. Sakamoto N, et. al. Int J Toxicol 28 (2009)
cDNA microarray analysis of serially sampled cervical cancer specimens from patients treated with thermochemoradiotherapy. Borkamo ED, et. al. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 75 (2009)
Loss of N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphotransferase gamma subunit due to intronic mutation in GNPTG causes mucolipidosis type III gamma: Implications for molecular and cellular diagnostics. Pohl S, et. al. Am J Med Genet A 152A (2010)
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Molecular markers for discrimination of benign and malignant follicular thyroid tumors. Fryknas M, et. al. Tumour Biol 27 (2006)
Tryptophan hydroxylase 2 gene expression and promoter polymorphisms in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. De Luca V, et. al. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 183 (2005)
Sphingosine kinase 1 expression is regulated by signaling through PI3K, AKT2, and mTOR in human coronary artery smooth muscle cells. Francy JM, et. al. Biochim Biophys Acta 1769 (2007)
The nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptor NLRC5 is involved in IFN-dependent antiviral immune responses. Kuenzel S, et. al. J Immunol 184 (2010)
Synergistic interaction between tetrandrine and chemotherapeutic agents and influence of tetrandrine on chemotherapeutic agent-associated genes in human gastric cancer cell lines. Wei J, et. al. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 60 (2007)
Inhibitors of apoptosis proteins (IAPs) expression and their prognostic significance in hepatocellular carcinoma. Augello C, et. al. Bmc Cancer 9 (2009)
Increased stathmin1 expression in the dentate gyrus of mice causes abnormal axonal arborizations. Yamada K, et. al. Plos One 5 (2010)
Effect of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on Barrett's epithelium in the human lower esophagus. Mehta SP, et. al. Am J Clin Nutr 87 (2008)
Expression of axin2 is regulated by the alternative 5'-untranslated regions of its mRNA. Hughes TA, et. al. J Biol Chem 280 (2005)
The anticancer agent prodigiosin induces p21WAF1/CIP1 expression via transforming growth factor-beta receptor pathway. Soto-Cerrato V, et. al. Biochem Pharmacol 74 (2007)
Comparison of Fixation Methods for Preservation of Morphology, RNAs, and Proteins From Paraffin-embedded Human Cancer Cell-implanted Mouse Models. Matsuda Y, et. al. J Histochem Cytochem  (2010)
Increased cortical expression of an RNA editing enzyme occurs in major depressive suicide victims. Simmons M, et. al. Neuroreport 21 (2010)
Genome-wide screening of loci associated with drug resistance to 5-fluorouracil-based drugs. Ooyama A, et. al. Cancer Sci 98 (2007)
Tumour suppressor microRNA-584 directly targets oncogene Rock-1 and decreases invasion ability in human clear cell renal cell carcinoma. Ueno K, et. al. Br J Cancer  (2010)
Gene expression by human monocytes from peripheral blood in response to exposure to metals. Jost-Albrecht K, et. al. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater 76 (2006)
Platelet factor 4 regulation of monocyte KLF4 in experimental cerebral malaria. Srivastava K, et. al. Plos One 5 (2010)
AP-2alpha and AP-2gamma are transcriptional targets of p53 in human breast carcinoma cells. Li H, et. al. Oncogene 25 (2006)
The expression of VGF is reduced in leukocytes of depressed patients and it is restored by effective antidepressant treatment. Cattaneo A, et. al. Neuropsychopharmacology 35 (2010)
Distinction in gene expression profiles demonstrated in parathyroid adenomas by high-density oligoarray technology. Forsberg L, et. al. Eur J Endocrinol 152 (2005)
High expression of Foxp3, IL-23p19 and survivin mRNA in colorectal carcinoma. Stanilov N, et. al. Int J Colorectal Dis 24 (2009)
Localization of carboxyl ester lipase in human pituitary gland and pituitary adenomas. La Rosa S, et. al. J Histochem Cytochem 58 (2010)
Increased expression of lysosomal acid phosphatase in CLN3-defective cells and mouse brain tissue. Pohl S, et. al. J Neurochem 103 (2007)
Increased expression and activity of hepatic lipase in the liver of morbidly obese adult patients in relation to lipid content. Pardina E, et. al. Obes Surg 19 (2009)
The modulation of endothelial cell gene expression by green tea polyphenol-EGCG. Liu L, et. al. Mol Nutr Food Res 52 (2008)
Adenovirus-directed ocular innate immunity: the role of conjunctival defensin-like chemokines (IP-10, I-TAC) and phagocytic human defensin-alpha. Harvey SA, et. al. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 46 (2005)
Detection of differentially expressed glycogenes in trabecular meshwork of eyes with primary open-angle glaucoma. Diskin S, et. al. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 47 (2006)
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