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Dermal dendritic cells, and not Langerhans cells, play an essential role in inducing an immune response. Fukunaga A, et. al. J Immunol 180 (2008)
Studies on the role of acid sphingomyelinase and ceramide in the regulation of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha)-converting enzyme activity and TNFalpha secretion in macrophages. Rozenova KA, et. al. J Biol Chem 285 (2010)
Loss-of-function mutation in Toll-like receptor 4 prevents diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance. Tsukumo DM, et. al. Diabetes 56 (2007)
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Butter feeding enhances TNF-alpha production from macrophages and lymphocyte adherence in murine small intestinal microvessels. Fujiyama Y, et. al. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 22 (2007)
Effects of ultrafine particles-induced oxidative stress on Clara cells in allergic lung inflammation. Alessandrini F, et. al. Part Fibre Toxicol 7 (2010)
Fucoxanthin regulates adipocytokine mRNA expression in white adipose tissue of diabetic/obese KK-Ay mice. Hosokawa M, et. al. Arch Biochem Biophys 504 (2010)
Comparative analysis of gene expression changes mediated by individual constituents of hemozoin. Schrimpe AC, et. al. Chem Res Toxicol 22 (2009)
MNK kinases regulate multiple TLR pathways and innate proinflammatory cytokines in macrophages. Rowlett RM, et. al. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 294 (2008)
Neuronal nicotinic alpha7 receptors modulate inflammatory cytokine production in the skin following ultraviolet radiation. Osborne-Hereford AV, et. al. J Neuroimmunol 193 (2008)
Shilianhua extract inhibits GSK-3beta and promotes glucose metabolism. Yin J, et. al. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 296 (2009)
Role of the C5a receptor (C5aR) in acute and chronic dextran sulfate-induced models of inflammatory bowel disease. Johswich K, et. al. Inflamm Bowel Dis 15 (2009)
IFN-gamma-induced TNF-alpha expression is regulated by interferon regulatory factors 1 and 8 in mouse macrophages. Vila-del Sol V, et. al. J Immunol 181 (2008)
Active immunization with amyloid-beta 1-42 impairs memory performance through TLR2/4-dependent activation of the innate immune system. Vollmar P, et. al. J Immunol 185 (2010)
Cytokines, signaling pathways, and effector molecules required for the control of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis in mice. Rocha FJ, et. al. Infect Immun 75 (2007)
Early cytokine expression in mouse sciatic nerve after chronic constriction nerve injury depends on calpain. Uceyler N, et. al. Brain Behav Immun 21 (2007)
Nitric oxide synthase modulates CFA-induced thermal hyperalgesia through cytokine regulation in mice. Chen Y, et. al. Mol Pain 6 (2010)
Sickness behavior induced by endotoxin can be mitigated by the dietary soluble fiber, pectin, through up-regulation of IL-4 and Th2 polarization. Sherry CL, et. al. Brain Behav Immun 24 (2010)
Uncoupling of inflammation and insulin resistance by NF-kappaB in transgenic mice through elevated energy expenditure. Tang T, et. al. J Biol Chem 285 (2010)
Pulmonary inflammation and tumor induction in lung tumor susceptible A/J and resistant C57BL/6J mice exposed to welding fume. Zeidler-Erdely PC, et. al. Part Fibre Toxicol 5 (2008)
Schistosoma mansoni infection reduces severity of collagen-induced arthritis via down-regulation of pro-inflammatory mediators. Osada Y, et. al. Int J Parasitol 39 (2009)
Porphyromonas gingivalis lipids inhibit osteoblastic differentiation and function. Wang YH, et. al. Infect Immun 78 (2010)
Central administration of lipopolysaccharide induces depressive-like behavior in vivo and activates brain indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase in murine organotypic hippocampal slice cultures. Fu X, et. al. J Neuroinflammation 7 (2010)
Infiltration of Th1 and Th17 cells and activation of microglia in the CNS during the course of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Murphy AC, et. al. Brain Behav Immun 24 (2010)
Mechanisms of sex differences in TNFR2-mediated cardioprotection. Wang M, et. al. Circulation 118 (2008)
Cognitive and neuroinflammatory consequences of mild repeated stress are exacerbated in aged mice. Buchanan JB, et. al. Psychoneuroendocrinology 33 (2008)
Reduction in IkappaB kinase alpha expression promotes the development of skin papillomas and carcinomas. Park E, et. al. Cancer Res 67 (2007)
Mutant alpha-synuclein overexpression mediates early proinflammatory activity. Su X, et. al. Neurotox Res 16 (2009)
Overexpression of human S100B exacerbates cerebral amyloidosis and gliosis in the Tg2576 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Mori T, et. al. Glia 58 (2010)
Fibrinogen that appears in Bowman's space of proteinuric kidneys in vivo activates podocyte Toll-like receptors 2 and 4 in vitro. Motojima M, et. al. Nephron Exp Nephrol 114 (2010)
Effect of HeNe laser irradiation on extracellular matrix deposition and expression of cytokines and chemokines in paracoccidioidomycotic lesions. Nagib PR, et. al. Photochem Photobiol 86 (2010)
Lipid G protein-coupled receptor ligand identification using beta-arrestin PathHunter assay. Yin H, et. al. J Biol Chem 284 (2009)
IL-18 neutralization ameliorates obstruction-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition and renal fibrosis. Bani-Hani AH, et. al. Kidney Int 76 (2009)
Deficiency of the negative immune regulator B7-H1 enhances inflammation and neuropathic pain after chronic constriction injury of mouse sciatic nerve. Uceyler N, et. al. Exp Neurol 222 (2010)
Interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha mediate the upregulation of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase and the induction of depressive-like behavior in mice in response to bacillus Calmette-Guerin. O'Connor JC, et. al. J Neurosci 29 (2009)
NADPH oxidases regulate CD44 and hyaluronic acid expression in thrombin-treated vascular smooth muscle cells and in atherosclerosis. Vendrov AE, et. al. J Biol Chem 285 (2010)
Early organ-specific endothelial activation during hemorrhagic shock and resuscitation. van Meurs M, et. al. Shock 29 (2008)
Induction of IDO by bacille Calmette-Guerin is responsible for development of murine depressive-like behavior. O'Connor JC, et. al. J Immunol 182 (2009)
Dearterialization of the liver causes intrahepatic cholestasis due to reduced bile transporter expression. Hoekstra H, et. al. Transplantation 85 (2008)
Neuroinflammation and disruption in working memory in aged mice after acute stimulation of the peripheral innate immune system. Chen J, et. al. Brain Behav Immun 22 (2008)
Staphylococcus Aureus Sepsis and Mitochondrial Accrual of OGG1 DNA Repair Enzyme in Mice. Bartz RR, et. al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med  (2010)
Endogenous interleukin-10 inhibits angiotensin II-induced vascular dysfunction. Didion SP, et. al. Hypertension 54 (2009)
Placental Effects of Systemic Tumour Necrosis Factor-alpha in an Animal Model of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Bobadilla RA, et. al. Placenta 31 (2010)
Peripheral lipopolysaccharide administration induces cytokine mRNA expression in the viscera and brain of fever-refractory mice lacking microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1. Nilsberth C, et. al. J Neuroendocrinol 21 (2009)
TLR4 activation mediates kidney ischemia/reperfusion injury. Wu H, et. al. J Clin Invest 117 (2007)
Timed NF-kappaB inhibition in skin reveals dual independent effects on development of HED/EDA and chronic inflammation. Ulvmar MH, et. al. J Invest Dermatol 129 (2009)
Cognitive deficits in interleukin-10-deficient mice after peripheral injection of lipopolysaccharide. Richwine AF, et. al. Brain Behav Immun 23 (2009)
Proinflammatory role of the Th17 cytokine interleukin-22 in collagen-induced arthritis in C57BL/6 mice. Geboes L, et. al. Arthritis Rheum 60 (2009)
Interleukin-6 facilitates lipopolysaccharide-induced disruption in working memory and expression of other proinflammatory cytokines in hippocampal neuronal cell layers. Sparkman NL, et. al. J Neurosci 26 (2006)
Site-specific inhibition of glomerulonephritis progression by targeted delivery of dexamethasone to glomerular endothelium. Asgeirsdottir SA, et. al. Mol Pharmacol 72 (2007)
Purple carrot (Daucus carota L.) polyacetylenes decrease lipopolysaccharide-induced expression of inflammatory proteins in macrophage and endothelial cells. Metzger BT, et. al. J Agric Food Chem 56 (2008)
Both TLR2 and TLR4 are required for the effective immune response in Staphylococcus aureus-induced experimental murine brain abscess. Stenzel W, et. al. Am J Pathol 172 (2008)
Inhibition of bradykinin receptor B1 protects mice from focal brain injury by reducing blood-brain barrier leakage and inflammation. Raslan F, et. al. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 30 (2010)
Interleukin-10 overexpression promotes Fas-ligand-dependent chronic macrophage-mediated demyelinating polyneuropathy. Dace DS, et. al. Plos One 4 (2009)
Bacterial lipopeptide triggers massive albuminuria in murine lupus nephritis by activating Toll-like receptor 2 at the glomerular filtration barrier. Pawar RD, et. al. Immunology 128 (2009)
Forced IFIT-2 expression represses LPS induced TNF-alpha expression at posttranscriptional levels. Berchtold S, et. al. Bmc Immunol 9 (2008)
Fumonisin B1-induced neurodegeneration in mice after intracerebroventricular infusion is concurrent with disruption of sphingolipid metabolism and activation of proinflammatory signaling. Osuchowski MF, et. al. Neurotoxicology 26 (2005)
Cyanidin 3-glucoside ameliorates hyperglycemia and insulin sensitivity due to downregulation of retinol binding protein 4 expression in diabetic mice. Sasaki R, et. al. Biochem Pharmacol 74 (2007)
Soluble lymphotoxin is an important effector molecule in GVHD and GVL. Markey KA, et. al. Blood 115 (2010)
Psychological stress reactivates dextran sulfate sodium-induced chronic colitis in mice. Melgar S, et. al. Stress 11 (2008)
alpha-Tocopherol and selenium facilitate recovery from lipopolysaccharide-induced sickness in aged mice. Berg BM, et. al. J Nutr 135 (2005)
Decreased alveolar macrophage apoptosis is associated with increased pulmonary inflammation in a murine model of pneumococcal pneumonia. Marriott HM, et. al. J Immunol 177 (2006)
Small interfering RNA (siRNA) delivery into murine bone marrow-derived macrophages by electroporation. Wiese M, et. al. J Immunol Methods 353 (2010)
Architectural changes to CA1 pyramidal neurons in adult and aged mice after peripheral immune stimulation. Richwine AF, et. al. Psychoneuroendocrinology 33 (2008)
Adipose tissue in offspring of Lepr(db/+) mice: early-life environment vs. genotype. Lambin S, et. al. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 292 (2007)
Senescence regulates macrophage activation and angiogenic fate at sites of tissue injury in mice. Kelly J, et. al. J Clin Invest 117 (2007)
5-lipoxygenase activating protein signals adipose tissue inflammation and lipid dysfunction in experimental obesity. Horrillo R, et. al. J Immunol 184 (2010)
Inflammation triggers synaptic alteration and degeneration in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Centonze D, et. al. J Neurosci 29 (2009)
Nasal vaccination with troponin reduces troponin specific T-cell responses and improves heart function in myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury. Frenkel D, et. al. Int Immunol 21 (2009)
Regulation of the inflammatory response to Staphylococcus aureus-induced brain abscess by interleukin-10. Stenzel W, et. al. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 64 (2005)
Tir8/Sigirr prevents murine lupus by suppressing the immunostimulatory effects of lupus autoantigens. Lech M, et. al. J Exp Med 205 (2008)
Viral 5'-triphosphate RNA and non-CpG DNA aggravate autoimmunity and lupus nephritis via distinct TLR-independent immune responses. Allam R, et. al. Eur J Immunol 38 (2008)
Inhibition of COX 1 and 2 prior to renal ischemia/reperfusion injury decreases the development of fibrosis. Feitoza CQ, et. al. Mol Med 14 (2008)
Curcumin attenuates elastase- and cigarette smoke-induced pulmonary emphysema in mice. Suzuki M, et. al. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 296 (2009)
Spatio-temporal differences in the profile of murine brain expression of proinflammatory cytokines and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase in response to peripheral lipopolysaccharide administration. Andre C, et. al. J Neuroimmunol 200 (2008)
TLR4-mediated induction of TLR2 signaling is critical in the pathogenesis and resolution of otitis media. Leichtle A, et. al. Innate Immun 15 (2009)
CD8 T cells producing IL-17 and IFN-gamma initiate the innate immune response required for responses to antigen skin challenge. Kish DD, et. al. J Immunol 182 (2009)
Role of IFN-gamma and IL-6 in a protective immune response to Yersinia enterocolitica in mice. Matteoli G, et. al. Bmc Microbiol 8 (2008)
Attenuation of folic acid-induced renal inflammatory injury in platelet-activating factor receptor-deficient mice. Doi K, et. al. Am J Pathol 168 (2006)
Lipopolysaccharide induces adipose differentiation-related protein expression and lipid accumulation in the liver through inhibition of fatty acid oxidation in mice. Ohhira M, et. al. J Gastroenterol 42 (2007)
PKC412 (CGP41251) modulates the proliferation and lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory responses of RAW 264.7 macrophages. Miyatake K, et. al. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 360 (2007)
Anti-inflammatory effects of freeze-dried black raspberry powder in ulcerative colitis. Montrose DC, et. al. Carcinogenesis  (2010)
Korean red ginseng extract ameliorates skin lesions in NC/Nga mice: An atopic dermatitis model. Lee JH, et. al. J Ethnopharmacol  (2010)
Administration of neural precursor cells ameliorates renal ischemia-reperfusion injury. Wang PH, et. al. Nephron Exp Nephrol 112 (2009)
Herpes simplex virus infects skin gamma delta T cells before Langerhans cells and impedes migration of infected Langerhans cells by inducing apoptosis and blocking E-cadherin downregulation. Puttur FK, et. al. J Immunol 185 (2010)
Comprehensive mRNA profiling of lipid-related genes in microglia and macrophages using taqman arrays. Mauerer R, et. al. Methods Mol Biol 580 (2009)
Involvement of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis in novel spontaneous mouse model. Shindo N, et. al. J Hepatol 52 (2010)
Bronchiolar chemokine expression is different after single versus repeated cigarette smoke exposure. Betsuyaku T, et. al. Respir Res 9 (2008)
Saturated fatty acids produce an inflammatory response predominantly through the activation of TLR4 signaling in hypothalamus: implications for the pathogenesis of obesity. Milanski M, et. al. J Neurosci 29 (2009)
Conditional Deletion of Abca3 in Alveolar Type II Cells Alters Surfactant Homeostasis in Newborn and Adult Mice. Besnard V, et. al. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol  (2010)
Intra-colonic administration of the TLR7 agonist R-848 induces an acute local and systemic inflammation in mice. Karlsson A, et. al. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 367 (2008)
Suppression of stroke-induced progenitor proliferation in adult subventricular zone by tumor necrosis factor receptor 1. Iosif RE, et. al. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 28 (2008)
Phthalate ester-induced thymic stromal lymphopoietin mediates allergic dermatitis in mice. Shigeno T, et. al. Immunology 128 (2009)
Tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced adipose-related protein expression in experimental arthritis and in rheumatoid arthritis. Inoue A, et. al. Arthritis Res Ther 11 (2009)
IL-4(-/-) mice with lethal Mesocestoides corti infections--reduced Th2 cytokines and alternatively activated macrophages. O'Connell AE, et. al. Parasite Immunol 31 (2009)
Chronic mouse model of TMA-induced contact hypersensitivity. Schneider C, et. al. J Invest Dermatol 129 (2009)
Inactivation of NF-kappaB p50 leads to insulin sensitization in liver through post-translational inhibition of p70S6K. Gao Z, et. al. J Biol Chem 284 (2009)
Suppression of proinflammatory cytokine production in macrophages by lansoprazole. Hinoki A, et. al. Pediatr Surg Int 22 (2006)
Blocking TNF-alpha in mice reduces colorectal carcinogenesis associated with chronic colitis. Popivanova BK, et. al. J Clin Invest 118 (2008)
Novel model of TH2-polarized chronic ileitis: the SAMP1 mouse. McNamee EN, et. al. Inflamm Bowel Dis 16 (2010)
Subtherapeutic dose of pioglitazone reduces expression of inflammatory adipokines in db/db mice. Mohapatra J, et. al. Pharmacology 84 (2009)
The antidepressant venlafaxine ameliorates murine experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by suppression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Vollmar P, et. al. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 12 (2009)