Important Information

Assay C_30634117C_K0 reports the major (G) and one minor (T) allele (CYP2D6*8, g.1758G>T) of a triallelic SNP. Assay C_30634117D_M0 reports the major (G) and other minor (A) allele (CYP2D6*14, g.1758G>A). The minor alleles are rare, thus there is a low risk that sample genotypes could be miscalled by an assay due to the presence of the unreported minor allele. To accurately determine sample genotypes, run both assays separately on the same samples and analyze data as described in the PGx Experiments User Guide (Pub. # MAN0009612) Chapter 5 section 'TaqMan DME genotyping assays to triallelic SNPs and adjacent SNP targets'.

Assay C_30634117D_M0 reports the major (G) and other minor (A) allele (CYP2D6*14, g.1758G>A).