Organic compounds containing amino and carboxyl functional groups and a unique side chain that differentiates each amino acid. Products serve as building blocks for other molecules and come in various quantities, chemical compositions, and pH values.
Amino acids are the building blocks of peptides and proteins. All amino acids contain an amine group, a carboxylic acid group, and a side chain that varies for each amino acid. The side chains differ in polarity and pKa and are important to both protein structure and function.
UUU Phe (F) UUC Phe (F) UUA Leu (L) UUG Leu (L) UCU Ser (S) UCC Ser (S) UCA Ser (S) UCG Ser (S) UAU Tyr (Y) UAC Tyr (Y) UAA Stop UAG Stop UGU Cys (C) UGC Cys (C) UGA Stop UGG Trp (W) U C A G CUU Leu (L) CUC Leu (L) CUA Leu (L) CUG Leu (L) CCU Pro (P) CCC Pro (P) CCA Pro (P) CCG Pro (P) CAU His (H)...